@article{fdi:010074773, title = {{R}e-establishment of {S}podoptera teferii {L}aporte in {R}ougeot ({L}epidoptera : {N}octuidae, {N}octuinae), with an updated molecular phylogeny for the genus {S}podoptera {G}uenee}, author = {{L}e {R}ΓΌ, {B}runo and {B}arbut, {J}. and {C}apdevielle {D}ulac, {C}laire and {G}oftishu, {M}. and {K}ergoat, {G}. {J}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{T}he genus {S}podoptera {G}uenee ({L}epidoptera: {N}octuidae, {N}octuinae) is a group of economic importance which encompasses several major pests of crops worldwide. {A}lthough this genus has been the focus of many studies, the status of several {S}podoptera species is still unstable, especially in the light of recent molecular analyses. {I}n 2015 five {S}podoptera specimens collected in {E}thiopia were first identified as {S}. apertura ({W}alker). {H}owever, preliminary studies suggested that these specimens belong to a distinct species, {S}. teferii {L}aporte in {R}ougeot, which has been previously synonymized with {S}. apertura. {I}n this study, on the basis of morphological and molecular evidence, we re-establish the species status of {S}. teferii. {W}e provide a supplemental description of {S}. teferii male and the first description of {S}. teferii female. {W}e also conducted several molecular analyses. {F}irst, we reconstructed an updated phylogeny for the genus based on a multilocus dataset (four mitochondrial and three nuclear gene fragments) including {S}. teferii and 28 of the 31 currently recognized {S}podoptera species; the results of phylogenetic analyses support the hypothesis that {S}. teferii is more closely related to the clade encompassing {S}. littoralis ({B}oisduval), {S}. litura ({F}abricius), {S}. pectinicornis ({H}ampson) and {S}. picta ({G}uerin-{M}eneville) than to {S}. apertura. {S}econd, we carried out molecular species delimitation analyses on a 683-specimen dataset that also clearly support the status of {S}. teferii as a species distinct to {S}. apertura.}, keywords = {{A}frotropical region ; molecular phylogenetics ; molecular species ; delimitation ; taxonomy}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{A}nnales de la {S}oci{\'e}t{\'e} {E}ntomologique de {F}rance}, volume = {54}, numero = {6}, pages = {497--510}, ISSN = {0037-9271}, year = {2018}, DOI = {10.1080/00379271.2018.1528886}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010074773}, }