@article{fdi:010074755, title = {{F}irst assessment of inorganic nitrogen deposition budget following the impoundment of a subtropical hydroelectric reservoir ({N}am {T}heun 2, {L}ao pdr)}, author = {{A}don, {M}. and {G}aly-{L}acaux, {C}. and {S}erca, {D}. and {G}uedant, {P}. and {V}ongkhamsao, {A}. and {R}ode, {W}. and {M}eyerfeld, {Y}. and {G}u{\'e}rin, {F}r{\'e}d{\'e}ric}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{W}ith around 490 km(2) at full level of operation, the {N}am {T}heun 2 {R}eservoir ({NT}2{R}) is one of the largest hydroreservoir in {S}outheast {A}sia. {T}his study presents a first estimation of the atmospheric inorganic nitrogen deposition into the {NT}2{R} based on a 2-year monitoring ({J}une 2010 to {J}uly 2012) including gas concentrations and precipitation. {D}ry deposition fluxes are estimated by the inferential method using, on the one hand, surface measurements of gas concentrations ({NO}2, {HNO}3, {NH}3) from passive samplers and, on the other hand, modeled exchange rates. {W}et deposition fluxes are calculated from {NH}4+ and {NO}3- concentrations determined in samples of rain from an automatic precipitation collector. {T}he average nitrogen deposition flux is estimated at 1.26 +/- 0.14 kg{N}.ha(-1).year(-1) from dry processes and 5.01 +/- 0.92 kg{N}.ha(-1).year(-1) from wet ones, that is, an average annual total nitrogen flux of 6.27 +/- 1.06 kg{N}.ha(-1).year(-1) deposited at the {NT}2{R} with 80% from wet deposition. {B}efore impoundment, the mean {N} flux has been estimated at 3.42 +/- 1.88 kg{N}.ha(-1).year(-1) for dry deposition and 5.01 +/- 2.12 kg{N}.ha(-1).year(-1) for wet deposition, or a total {N} deposition flux of 8.43 +/- 4.01 kg{N}.ha(-1).year(-1) over the studied area dominated by forests with little agriculture soil and water surfaces. {T}hus, the total {N} deposition over the studied area has been reduced of 26% (or 63% for dry deposition) following the reservoir impoundment based on our working hypothesis.}, keywords = {{LAOS}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{J}ournal of {G}eophysical {R}esearch : {A}tmospheres}, volume = {123}, numero = {21}, pages = {12413--12428}, ISSN = {2169-897{X}}, year = {2018}, DOI = {10.1029/2018jd029027}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010074755}, }