@article{fdi:010074517, title = {{A}ssessment of the quality of {M}oroccan bottled water by application of quality indices}, author = {{G}haribi, {E}. and {G}halit, {M}. and {T}aupin, {J}ean-{D}enis and {P}atris, {N}icolas and {K}ouotou, {D}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{W}ater quality indices ({WQI}) are essential tools for the overall assessment of the quality of water reserved for human consumption or for other uses. {I}n the present study, two {WQI} were selected for the assessment of bottled waters: the {C}anadian {C}ouncil of {M}inisters of the {E}nvironment ({CCME}-{WQI}) index and the bottled water quality index ({BWQI}). {B}oth indices illustrate the composite influence of different water quality parameters and communicate water quality information to the public and legislative decision-makers. {A}nother indicator of water quality (total hardness-total dissolved solids) is used to compare these results with the two quality indices. {T}he results obtained showed that the mineral waters {EM}2, {EM}4, {EM}7, spring water {E}-{S} and table water are of excellent quality. {W}aters {EM}1, {EM}3, {EM}5, and {EM}6 are good enough to drink. {B}y contrast, the gaseous mineral waters ({EMG} and {EM} {GL} ) are considered unacceptable for sustained or substantial consumption.}, keywords = {bottled waters ; bottled {WQI} ; {CCME}-{WQI} ; {M}orocco ; total hardness-total ; dissolved residues index ; water quality indices ; {MAROC}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{J}ournal of {W}ater {S}upply {R}esearch and {T}echnology-{A}qua}, volume = {67}, numero = {6}, pages = {576--585}, ISSN = {0003-7214}, year = {2018}, DOI = {10.2166/aqua.2018.022}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010074517}, }