@article{fdi:010074497, title = {{E}volution of plant architecture, functional diversification and divergent evolution in the genus {A}tractocarpus ({R}ubiaceae) for {N}ew {C}aledonia}, author = {{B}ruy, {D}avid and {H}attermann, {T}. and {B}arrabe, {L}. and {M}ouly, {A}. and {B}arthelemy, {D}. and {I}snard, {S}andrine}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{T}he diversification of ecological roles and related adaptations in closely related species within a lineage is one of the most important processes linking plant evolution and ecology. {P}lant architecture offers a robust framework to study these processes as it can highlight how plant structure influences plant diversification and ecological strategies. {W}e investigated a case of gradual evolution of branching architecture in {A}tractocarpus spp. ({R}ubiaceae), forming a monophyletic group in {N}ew {C}aledonia that has diversified rapidly, predominantly in rainforest understory habitats. {W}e used a transdisciplinary approach to depict architectural variations and revealed multiple evolutionary transitions from a branched ({S}tone's architectural model) to a monocaulous habit ({C}orner's architectural model), which involved the functional reduction of branches into inflorescences. {W}e propose an integrative functional index that assesses branching incidence on functional traits influencing both assimilation and exploration functions. {W}e showed that architectural transitions correlate with ecologically important functional traits. {V}ariation in ecologically important traits among closely relatives, as supported by the architectural analysis, is suggestive of intense competition that favored divergence among locally coexisting species. {W}e propose that {P}leistocene climatic fluctuations causing expansion and contraction of rainforest could also have offered ecological opportunities for colonizers in addition to the process of divergent evolution.}, keywords = {branching index ; convergence ; corner's rules ; gardenieae ; {I}sland ; rainforest ; treelet ; understory ; {NOUVELLE} {CALEDONIE}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{F}rontiers in {P}lant {S}cience}, volume = {9}, numero = {}, pages = {art. 1775 [17 ]}, ISSN = {1664-462{X}}, year = {2018}, DOI = {10.3389/fpls.2018.01775}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010074497}, }