@article{fdi:010074494, title = {{A}gr{H}y{S} : an observatory of response times in agro-hydro systems}, author = {{F}ovet, {O}. and {R}uiz, {L}aurent and {G}ruau, {G}. and {A}kkal, {N}. and {A}quilina, {L}. and {B}usnot, {S}. and {D}upas, {R}. and {D}urand, {P}. and {F}aucheux, {M}. and {F}auvel, {Y}. and {F}lechard, {C}. and {G}illiet, {N}. and {G}rimaldi, {C}. and {H}amon, {Y}. and {J}affrezic, {A}. and {J}eanneau, {L}. and {L}abasque, {T}. and {L}e {H}enaff, {G}. and {M}erot, {P}. and {M}olenat, {J}. and {P}etitjean, {P}. and {P}ierson-{W}ickmann, {A}. {C}. and {S}quividant, {H}. and {V}iaud, {V}. and {W}alter, {C}. and {G}ascuel-{O}doux, {C}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{T}he {A}gr{H}y{S} is a long-term agro-hydrological observatory dedicated to studying the processes controlling hydro-chemical fluxes in headwater catchments in response to the effects of agricultural. {A}gr{H}y{S} is composed of instrumented catchments located in western {F}rance in a temperate oceanic climate that are characterized by shallow groundwater (<8 m deep) over crystalline bedrocks (granite or schist) and is dominated by intensive agriculture with farming. {A}gr{H}y{S} provides long-term observations starting in 1990 and supports highly interdisciplinary studies that provide novel contributions to environmental sciences, including hydrology, geochemistry, agricultural and soil sciences, hydrogeology, bioclimatology, and ecology. {H}ere we describe the observatory sites, observation strategy, data management policy, and data access. {T}he objective is to show how {A}gr{H}y{S} has contributed to research in hydrological and environmental sciences through a review of major insights of the research. {T}his analysis highlights the role of {A}gr{H}y{S} in linking, validating, and enriching successive and complementary projects conducted over the last 25 yr. {T}he second objective is to invite new collaborations with a large scientific community for future research.}, keywords = {{FRANCE} ; {BRETAGNE}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{V}adose {Z}one {J}ournal}, volume = {17}, numero = {1}, pages = {art. 180066 [16 p.]}, ISSN = {1539-1663}, year = {2018}, DOI = {10.2136/vzj2018.04.0066}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010074494}, }