@article{fdi:010074473, title = {{M}esorhizobium jarvisii sv. astragali as predominant microsymbiont for {A}stragalus sinicus {L}. in acidic soils, {X}inyang, {C}hina}, author = {{Z}hang, {J}. {J}. and {S}hang, {Y}. {M}. and {W}ang, {E}. {T}. and {C}hen, {W}. {F}. and {L}ajudie de, {P}hilippe and {L}i, {B}. {Y}. and {G}uo, {C}. and {Y}ang, {X}. and {Z}heng, {J}. {Q}. and {L}iu, {C}. {Z}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{A}ims {T}o identify the rhizobia nodulating {A}stragalus sinicus in the acid soils at {X}inyang, {C}hina and to estimate the effects of fertilization strategies on the rhizobial community. {M}ethods {S}oil samples were collected from treatments submitted to different fertilization strategies (chemical fertilizers, {A}. sinicus green manure, various input levels). {N}odules obtained from the {A}. sinicus trapping plants grown in the soil samples were used for rhizobial isolation. {T}he isolates were grouped into {PCR}-{RFLP} genotypes based on analyses of 16{S} r{RNA} gene and {IGS}, and representatives for each genotype were further subjected to phylogenetic analyses of housekeeping genes (16{S} r{RNA} gene, atp{D}, gln{II}, and rpo{B}), as well as symbiotic genes (nod{C} and nif{H}). {S}oil physicochemical characteristics were also estimated and redundancy analysis was performed to examine the relations between soil features and distribution of rhizobial genotypes across different fertilization treatments. {R}esults {A} total of 257 rhizobial isolates were obtained and discriminated into 12 {IGS} types in a single 16{S} r{RNA} type by {RFLP} analyses. {F}urther 16{S} r{RNA} gene sequence-based phylogeny and multilocus sequence analysis ({MLSA}) distinguished a minor group (10 strains, 4 {IGS} types) affiliated to {M}esorhizobium huakuii and a main group (247 strains, 8 {IGS} types) to {M}esorhizobium jarvisii, for which a novel symbiovar, sv. astragali, was described. {T}he long-term input of {A}. sinicus green manure increased rhizobial diversity and modified rhizobial community structures, via the increase of organic matter and decrease of soil p{H}, available phosphate, available potassium, and total salt. {C}onclusions {M}. jarvisii sv. nov. astragali was the predominant microsymbiont of {A}. sinicus in the tested acidic soils. {T}he long-term input of green manure modified the soil features, enhancing the genetic diversity of rhizobia associated with {A}. sinicus and alternating the rhizobial community structure.}, keywords = {{A}stragalus sinicus ; {A}cidic soils ; {M}esorhizobium jarvisii ; {X}inyang ; {CHINE} ; {XINYANG}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{P}lant and {S}oil}, volume = {433}, numero = {1-2}, pages = {201--212}, ISSN = {0032-079{X}}, year = {2018}, DOI = {10.1007/s11104-018-3830-3}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010074473}, }