@article{fdi:010074458, title = {{V}ariance components and heritability of traits related to root : shoot biomass allocation and drought tolerance in wheat}, author = {{M}athew, {I}. and {S}himelis, {H}. and {M}wadzingeni, {L}. and {Z}engeni, {R}. and {M}utema, {M}. and {C}haplot, {V}incent}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{E}nhanced root growth in plants is fundamental to improve soil water exploration and drought tolerance. {U}nderstanding of the variance components and heritability of root biomass allocation is key to design suitable breeding strategies and to enhance the response to selection. {T}his study aimed to determine variance components and heritability of biomass allocation and related traits in 99 genotypes of wheat ({T}riticum aestivum {L}.) and one triticale ({X}. {T}riticosecale {W}ittmack) under drought-stressed and non-stressed conditions in the field and greenhouse using a 10x10 alpha lattice design. {D}ays to heading ({DTH}), days to maturity ({DTM}), number of tillers ({NPT}), plant height ({PH}), spike length ({SL}),shoot and root biomass ({SB}, {RB}), root to shoot ratio ({RS}), thousand kernel weight ({TKW}) and yield ({GY}) were recorded. {A}nalyses of variance, variance components, heritability and genetic correlations were computed. {S}ignificant (p<0.05) genetic and environmental variation were observed forall the traits except for spike length. {D}rought stress decreasedheritability of {RS} from 47 to28% and {GY} from 55to 17%. {T}he correlations between {RS} with {PH}, {NPT}, {SL}, {SB} and {GY} were weaker under drought-stress (r-0.50; p<0.05) compared to non-stressed conditions, suggesting that lower root biomass allocation under drought stress compromises wheat productivity. {T}he negative association between {GY} and {RS} (r=-0.41 and -0.33; p<0.05), low heritability (<42%) and high environmental variance (>70%) for {RS} observed in this population constitute several bottlenecks for improving yield and root mass simultaneously. {H}owever, indirect selection for {DTH}, {PH}, {RB}, and {TKW}, could help optimize {RS} and simultaneously improve drought tolerance and yield under drought-stressed conditions.}, keywords = {{C}orrelation ; {G}enetic variance ; {H}eritability ; {R}oot-to-shoot ratio ; {W}ater stress ; {W}heat}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{E}uphytica}, volume = {214}, numero = {12}, pages = {art. 225 [12 p.]}, ISSN = {0014-2336}, year = {2018}, DOI = {10.1007/s10681-018-2302-4}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010074458}, }