@article{fdi:010074454, title = {{A} genome-wide association study using a {V}ietnamese landrace panel of rice ({O}ryza sativa) reveals new {QTL}s controlling panicle morphological traits}, author = {{T}a, {K}. {N}. and {K}hong, {N}. {G}. and {H}a, {T}. {L}. and {N}guyen, {D}. {T}. and {M}ai, {D}. {C}. and {H}oang, {T}. {G}. and {P}hung, {T}. {P}. {N}. and {B}ourrie, {I}. and {C}ourtois, {B}. and {T}ran, {T}. {T}. {H}. and {D}inh, {B}. {Y}. and {L}a, {T}. {N}. and {D}o, {N}. {V}. and {L}ebrun, {M}ichel and {G}antet, {P}ascal and {J}ouannic, {S}tefan}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{C}ontext{Y}ield improvement is an important issue for rice breeding. {P}anicle architecture is one of the key components of rice yield and exhibits a large diversity. {T}o identify the morphological and genetic determinants of panicle architecture, we performed a detailed phenotypic analysis and a genome-wide association study ({GWAS}) using an original panel of {V}ietnamese landraces.{R}esults{U}sing a newly developed image analysis tool, morphological traits of the panicles were scored over two years: rachis length; primary, secondary and tertiary branch number; average length of primary and secondary branches; average length of internode on rachis and primary branch. {W}e observed a high contribution of spikelet number and secondary branch number per panicle to the overall phenotypic diversity in the dataset. {T}wenty-nine stable {QTL}s associated with seven traits were detected through {GWAS} over the two years. {S}ome of these {QTL}s were associated with genes already implicated in panicle development. {I}mportantly, the present study revealed the existence of new {QTL}s associated with the spikelet number, secondary branch number and primary branch number traits.{C}onclusions{O}ur phenotypic analysis of panicle architecture variation suggests that with the panel of samples used, morphological diversity depends largely on the balance between indeterminate vs. determinate axillary meristem fate on primary branches, supporting the notion of differences in axillary meristem fate between rachis and primary branches. {O}ur genome-wide association study led to the identification of numerous genomic sites covering all the traits studied and will be of interest for breeding programs aimed at improving yield. {T}he new {QTL}s detected in this study provide a basis for the identification of new genes controlling panicle development and yield in rice.}, keywords = {{R}ice ; {GWAS} ; {P}anicle ; {A}rchitecture ; {Y}ield ; {I}mage analysis ; {V}ietnam ; {VIET} {NAM}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{BMC} {P}lant {B}iology}, volume = {18}, numero = {}, pages = {art. 282 [15 p.]}, ISSN = {1471-2229}, year = {2018}, DOI = {10.1186/s12870-018-1504-1}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010074454}, }