@article{fdi:010074452, title = {{B}iochemical characterization and efficacy of {P}leurotus, {L}entinus and {G}anoderma parent and hybrid mushroom strains as biofertilizers of attapulgite for wheat and tomato growth}, author = {{N}arh {M}ensah, {D}. {L}. and {D}uponnois, {R}obin and {B}ourillon, {J}ulie and {G}ressent, {F}. and {P}rin, {Y}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{P}leurotus, {L}entinus and {G}anoderma are mushrooms which have various properties and should be explored as bioresources for various uses such as biofertilizers for sustainable intensification of agriculture. {P}leurotus, {L}entinus and {G}anoderma species and intra- and inter-specific/generic hybrids produced with the dual culture technique were evaluated for chitinase and esterase activities, phosphate solubilization ability, siderophore production, mycelia growth, and efficacy as biofertilizers using semi-quantitative assays. {A}ll parent and selected hybrid strains were assessed as biofertilizers in attapulgite for wheat and tomato cultivation. {C}orrelations between biochemical characteristics, plant root and shoot biomass, and microbial loads and ergosterol content of tomato cultivation substrate post-harvest were determined. {B}iochemical characteristics studied were mushroom strain-specific, independent on mycelia growth rate and were altered in hybrids. {E}sterase production was strain-dependent and precipitates produced differed in size. {T}his is the first report of siderophore production by {P}. tuber-regium, {L}. squarrosulus and {G}anoderma sp. from {G}hana as well as alteration of siderophore production by intra-species/generic and inter-generic hybrid strains. {B}iofertilizer efficacy of parent strains and intra- and inter-specific/generic hybrids was mushroom strain- and plant species-specific. {L}. squarrosulus strain {S}q{W} and {P}. sajor-caju strain {PS}c{W} were most efficacious strains for wheat and tomato cultivation respectively. {F}ungal (3.65-5.40 cfu g(-1)) and bacterial (0-6.43 cfu g(-1)) colony counts after tomato cultivation varied among treatments. {E}rgosterol concentration in all treatments (0.07-0.96 mu g g(-1)) were higher than in control treatment (0.05 mu g g(-1)). {C}hitinase activity and siderophore production of mushroom strains positively correlated with both wheat and tomato growth. {U}tilization of mushrooms as biofertilizers will enhance food security.}, keywords = {{C}olony counts ; {C}hitinase activity ; {E}rgosterol content ; {E}sterase activity ; {M}ushroom breeding ; {S}iderophore production}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{B}iocatalysis and {A}gricultural {B}iotechnology}, volume = {16}, numero = {}, pages = {63--72}, ISSN = {1878-8181}, year = {2018}, DOI = {10.1016/j.bcab.2018.07.021}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010074452}, }