@article{fdi:010074335, title = {{U}nexpected discovery of six new species of {A}phyosemion ({C}yprinodontiformes, {A}plocheilidae) in the {W}onga-{W}ongue {P}residential {R}eserve in {G}abon}, author = {{A}gn{\`e}se, {J}ean-{F}ran{\c{c}}ois and {C}hirio, {L}. and {L}egros, {O}. and {O}slisly, {R}ichard and {B}he, {H}. {M}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{D}uring a survey of the fishes in the region of the {W}onga-{W}ongue {P}residential {R}eserve, 14 new populations of the subgenus {C}hromaphyosemion {M}yers, 1924 were found. {T}hese observations extend the previously known distribution range of the subgenus 120 kilometres southward. {N}one of these populations could be related to any described species. {B}ased on the colouration of the males and females, together with a genetic marker (mitochondrial {DNA} cytochrome b sequences), the populations studied are grouped into six new species which are described in this article, all close to {A}phyosemion alpha {H}uber, 1998 with which they share the presence of a black alpha-shaped mark on the pre- and post-opercular region. {T}he group composed of {A}. alpha and the six new species is referred to here as the {A}. alpha species group. {A}ll the new species, {A}. aurantiacum {C}hirio, {L}egros & {A}gnese sp. nov., {A}. barakoniense {C}hirio, {L}egros & {A}gnese sp. nov., {A}. flammulatum {C}hirio, {L}egros & {A}gnese sp. nov., {A}. flavocyaneum {C}hirio, {L}egros & {A}gnese sp. nov., {A}. pusillum {C}hirio, {L}egros & {A}gnese sp. nov. and {A}. rubrogaster {C}hirio, {L}egros & {A}gnese sp. nov., are further unambiguously diagnosed by unique combinations of colour patterns, making it possible to generate an identification key for the {A}. alpha species group. {I}t is likely that the coastal dunes of {W}onga-{W}ongue that form a sandy relief, could have led to the fragmentation and then isolation of the hydrographical networks that flow into the {A}tlantic {O}cean, making possible a significant number of allopatric speciations.}, keywords = {{K}illifish ; mt{DNA} ; {N}othobranchiidae ; taxonomy ; {GABON}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{E}uropean {J}ournal of {T}axonomy}, volume = {471}, numero = {}, pages = {1--28}, ISSN = {2118-9773}, year = {2018}, DOI = {10.5852/ejt.2018.471}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010074335}, }