@article{fdi:010074255, title = {{F}ield measurements of interrill erosion under different slopes and plot sizes}, author = {{C}haplot, {V}incent and {L}e {B}issonnais, {Y}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{D}espite numerous studies, the effect of slope on interrill erosion is not clearly established. {S}everal interactions exist between erosion parameters that are not taken into account under experimental laboratory measurements and results need to be validated in the field. {T}he influence of slope steepness (2 to 8 per cent) on soil loss for a crusted interrill area and the detachment and transport processes involved in the interaction between slope, rain characteristics and plot size were investigated. {S}ediment discharge and runoff rates were measured in bounded plots (1 m(2) and 10 m(2)) under natural and simulated rainfall, allowing the analysis of a combination of detachment and transport processes at various scales in the field. {R}unoff rate increased from 20 to 90 per cent with increasing slope and rain intensity for both plot sizes, whereas sediment concentration increased from 2 to 6 g l(-1) with increasing slope only for the 10 m(2) plots. {A}t the 1 m(2) scale, erosion was transport-limited due to the reduced rain-impacted flow. {I}nteractions between slope angle and rain intensity were observed for detachment and transport processes in interrill erosion. {R}esults show the importance of an adapted experimental set-up to get reference data for interrill erosion model development and validation.}, keywords = {}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{E}arth {S}urface {P}rocesses and {L}andforms}, volume = {25}, numero = {2}, pages = {145--153}, ISSN = {0197-9337}, year = {2000}, DOI = {10.1002/({SICI})1096-9837(200002)25:2<145::{AID}-{ESP}51>3.3.{CO};2-{V}}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010074255}, }