@article{fdi:010074250, title = {{P}redicting water, sediment and {NO}3-{N} loads under scenarios of land-use and management practices in a flat watershed}, author = {{C}haplot, {V}incent and {S}aleh, {A}. and {J}aynes, {D}.{B}. and {A}rnold, {J}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{C}hanges in land-use or management practices may affect water outflow, sediment, nutrients and pesticides loads. {T}hus, there is an increasing demand for quantitative information at the watershed scale that would help decision makers or planners to take appropriate decisions. {T}his paper evaluates by a modeling approach the impact of farming practices and land-use changes on water discharge, sediment and {NO}3-{N} loads at the outlet of a 51.29 km(2) watershed of central {I}owa ({W}alnut {C}reek watershed). {T}his intensively farmed (corn-soybean rotation) watershed is characterized by a flat topography with tiles and potholes. {N}ine scenarios of management practices (nitrogen application rates: increase of current rate by 20, 40%, decrease of current rate by 20, 40 and 60%; no tillage) and land-use changes (from corn-soybean rotation to winter wheat and pasture) were tested over a 30 yr simulated period. {T}he selected model ({S}oil and {W}ater {A}ssessment {T}ool, {SWAT}) was first validated using observed flow, sediment and nutrient loads from 1991 to 1998. {S}cenarios of {N} application rates did not affect water and sediment annual budgets but did so for {NO}3-{N} loads. {L}essening the {N} rate by 20, 40 and 60% in corn-soybean fields decreased mean {NO}3-{N} annual loads by 22, 50 and 95%, respectively, with greatest differences during late spring. {O}n the other hand, increasing input {N} by 20 and 40% enhanced {NO}3-{N} loads by 25 and 49%, respectively. {W}hen replacing corn-soybean rotation by winter wheat, {NO}3-{N} loads increased in early fall, immediately after harvest. {P}asture installation with or without fertilization lessened flow discharge, {NO}3-{N} and sediment delivery by 58, 97 and 50%, respectively. {N}o-tillage practices did not significantly affect the water resource and sediment loads. {F}inally, such realistic predictions of the impact of farming systems scenarios over a long period are discussed regarding environmental processes involved.}, keywords = {}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{W}ater {A}ir and {S}oil {P}ollution}, volume = {154}, numero = {1-4}, pages = {271--293}, ISSN = {0049-6979}, year = {2004}, DOI = {10.1023/{B}:{WATE}.0000022973.60928.30}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010074250}, }