@book{fdi:010074175, title = {{S}oils as a key component of the critical zone 1 : functions and services}, author = {{B}erthelin, {J}. and {V}alentin, {C}hristian and {M}unch, {J}.{C}.}, editor = {{B}erthelin, {J}. and {V}alentin, {C}hristian and {M}unch, {J}.{C}.}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{S}cientific, socioeconomic, political and media interest in soils has re-emerged in recent years. {S}oil is now recognized, not only as a substrate for crop production and human activities, but as a regulator of natural environmental balance (for example, supporting water, carbon, nitrogen and phosphorus cycles) and also as an essential terrestrial compartment of the biosphere, containing 25% of terrestrial biodiversity. {S}oils are also a vessel for the past, conserving traces of human activities and continental environments. {T}he remarkable multifunctionality of soils places them at the heart of the {C}ritical {Z}one of humanity. {B}ut what do we really know about soils ? {H}ow are they studied ? {H}ow are they defined ? {W}hat is their place in {E}arth's biosphere ? {H}ow are they formed ? {A}nd what exactly do they do ? {T}hese are just some of the questions that this book answers, providing definitions, helpful summaries and pertinent discussions on the properties of soils, as well as an exploration of their functions and services, the mounting pressures they face and future avenues in soils research.}, keywords = {}, address = {{L}ondres ({GBR}) ; {H}oboken}, publisher = {{ISTE} ; {W}iley}, series = {{E}nvironmental {S}ciences : {S}oils {S}et}, pages = {336}, year = {2018}, ISBN = {978-1-78630-215-1}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010074175}, }