@article{fdi:010074146, title = {{E}mpty stocks and loose paper : governing access to medicines through informality in {N}orthern {I}ndia}, author = {{A}l {D}ahdah, {M}. and {K}umar, {A}. and {Q}uet, {M}athieu}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{B}ased upon research in the state of {B}ihar, {I}ndia, this article argues that informal access to medicines in {N}orthern {I}ndia is a core element of the government of healthcare. {I}nformal providers such as unlicensed village doctors and unlicensed drug sellers play a major role in access to medicines in {B}ihar, in the particular context of the dismantling of public procurement services. {B}uilding on recent works in the socio-anthropology of pharmaceuticals, the article shows the importance of taking into account the political economy of drugs in {I}ndia, in order to understand local problems of access more fully. {I}f informal providers occupy such an important position in the government of healthcare in {I}ndia, this is partly due to the shaping of healthcare as access to drugs on health markets. {E}laborating the argument from interviews with health professionals and patients, the article first shows the situation of public healthcare and public procurement in {B}ihar; then it presents the role of informal medicine providers; lastly, it shows how patients deal with the fact that they live in a 'pharmaceutical world' where access to health equates with access to medicines.}, keywords = {{A}ccess to medicines ; {B}ihar ; {I}ndia ; informal markets ; public procurement ; sociology of health ; {INDE}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{I}nternational {S}ociology}, volume = {33}, numero = {6}, pages = {778--795}, ISSN = {0268-5809}, year = {2018}, DOI = {10.1177/0268580918792779}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010074146}, }