@article{fdi:010074145, title = {{D}eep structure of {P}yrenees range ({SW} {E}urope) imaged by joint inversion of gravity and teleseismic delay time}, author = {{D}ufrechou, {G}. and {T}iberi, {C}. and {M}artin, {R}. and {B}onvalot, {S}ylvain and {C}hevrot, {S}. and {S}eoane, {L}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{W}e present a new model of the lithosphere and asthenosphere structure down to 300 km depth beneath the {P}yrenees from the joint inversion of recent gravity and teleseismic data. {U}nlike previous studies, crustal correction was not applied on teleseismic data in order (i) to preserve the consistency between gravity data, which are mainly sensitive to the density structure of the crust lithosphere, and traveltime data, and (ii) to avoid the introduction of biases resulting from crustal reductions. {T}he density model down to 100 km depth is preferentially used here to discuss the lithospheric structure of the {P}yrenees, whereas the asthenospheric structure from 100 to 300 km depth is discussed from our velocity model. {T}he absence of a high density anomaly in our model between 30 and 100 km depth (except the {L}abourd density anomaly) in the northern part of the {P}yrenees seems to preclude eclogitization of the subducted {I}berian crust at the scale of the entire {P}yrenean range. {L}ocal eclogitization of the deep {P}yrenean crust beneath the western part of the {A}xial {Z}one (west of {A}ndorra) associated with the positive central density anomaly is proposed. {T}he {P}yrenean lithosphere in density and velocity models appears segmented from east to west. {N}o clear relation between the along-strike segmentation and mapped major faults is visible in our models. {T}he {P}yrenees' lithosphere segments are associated with different seismicity pattern in the {P}yrenees suggesting a possible relation between the deep structure of the {P}yrenees and its seismicity in the upper crust. {T}he concentration of earthquakes localized just straight up the central density anomaly can reflect the subsidence and/or delamination of an eclogitized {P}yrenean deep root. {T}he velocity model in the asthenosphere is similar to previous studies. {T}he absence of a high-velocity anomaly in the upper mantle and transition zone (i. e. 125 to 225 km depth) seems to preclude the presence of a detached oceanic lithosphere beneath the {E}uropean lithosphere.}, keywords = {{J}oint inversion ; {S}eismic tomography ; {G}ravity anomalies and {E}arth structure ; {C}ontinental margins: convergent ; {E}urope ; {S}eismicity and tectonics ; {EUROPE} ; {FRANCE} ; {ESPAGNE} ; {ANDORRE} ; {PYRENEES}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{G}eophysical {J}ournal {I}nternational}, volume = {214}, numero = {1}, pages = {282--301}, ISSN = {0956-540{X}}, year = {2018}, DOI = {10.1093/gji/ggy134}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010074145}, }