@article{fdi:010074135, title = {{S}helf-edge jet currents in the southern {B}enguela : a modelling approach}, author = {{V}eitch, {J}. and {H}ermes, {J}. and {L}amont, {T}. and {P}enven, {P}ierrick and {D}ufois, {F}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{T}he dynamics and seasonal variability of jet currents on the southern {B}enguela shelf-edge are investigated using a climatologically forced {R}egional {O}cean {M}odelling {S}ystem ({ROMS}) model. {T}he jet is primarily forced by the intense horizontal gradients that exist across the southern {B}enguela shelf. {T}hese gradients are set up by near shore cooling via the strongly seasonal upwelling regime and variable offshore warming by the advection of {A}gulhas waters. {W}hile the nearshore cooling is prevalent only during the spring and summer upwelling season, the offshore warming exists throughout the year. {A}s a result intensified geostrophically adjusted currents exist throughout the year, particularly off the {C}ape {P}eninsula and {C}ape {C}olumbine. {H}owever, the distinct shelf-edge jet features are most intense during upwelling seasons and extend, more or less continuously, from {C}ape {A}gulhas, the southern-tip of the continent, to {C}ape {C}olumbine. {T}he spring and summer jet off the {C}ape {P}eninsula reaches speeds of at least 0.7 m.s(-1), bifurcates as it moves northward. {T}he branch that continues northward over the shelf goes on to feed the offshore branch of the {C}ape {C}olumbine jet (over the 500 m isobath) and to a less extent the nearshore branch (over the 200 m isobath) that is locally enhanced by upwelling processes. {D}uring winter, the {C}ape {P}eninsula jet is more confined to the shelf region and goes on to feed the whole outer-shelf (200-500 m) region off and beyond {C}ape {C}olumbine. {A}n ageostrophic component associated with offshore non-linearities related to {A}gulhas influx causes the mean manifestation of the {C}ape {P}eninsula jet to broaden slightly (60 km) compared to its 40 km-wide geostrophic core which is situated over the 350 m isobath. {T}he ageostrophic component is related to the generation of eddies that cause the isopycnals to flatten out.}, keywords = {{S}outhern {B}enguela ; {S}helf-edge jet ; {N}umerical model ; {AFRIQUE} {DU} {SUD} ; {BENGUELA} {COURANT}}, booktitle = {{B}enguela : opportunity, challenge and change}, journal = {{J}ournal of {M}arine {S}ystems}, volume = {188}, numero = {{N}o {S}p{\'e}cial}, pages = {27--38}, ISSN = {0924-7963}, year = {2018}, DOI = {10.1016/j.jmarsys.2017.09.003}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010074135}, }