@article{fdi:010074133, title = {{A} nonlinear statistical model for extracting a climatic signal from glacier mass balance measurements}, author = {{V}incent, {C}. and {S}oruco, {A}. and {A}zam, {M}. {F}. and {B}asantes-{S}errano, {R}. and {J}ackson, {M}. and {K}jollmoen, {B}. and {T}hibert, {E}. and {W}agnon, {P}atrick and {S}ix, {D}. and {R}abatel, {A}. and {R}amanathan, {A}. and {B}erthier, {E}. and {C}usicanqui, {D}. and {V}incent, {P}ierre and {M}andal, {A}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{U}nderstanding changes in glacier mass balances is essential for investigating climate changes. {H}owever, glacier-wide mass balances determined from geodetic observations do not provide a relevant climatic signal as they depend on the dynamic response of the glaciers. {I}n situ point mass balance measurements provide a direct signal but show a strong spatial variability that is difficult to assess from heterogeneous in situ measurements over several decades. {T}o address this issue, we propose a nonlinear statistical model that takes into account the spatial and temporal changes in point mass balances. {T}o test this model, we selected four glaciers in different climatic regimes ({F}rance, {B}olivia, {I}ndia, and {N}orway) for which detailed point annual mass balance measurements were available over a large elevation range. {T}he model extracted a robust and consistent signal for each glacier. {W}e obtained explained variances of 87.5, 90.2, 91.3, and 75.5% on {A}rgentiere, {Z}ongo, {C}hhota {S}higri, and {N}igardsbreen glaciers, respectively. {T}he standard deviations of the model residuals are close to measurement uncertainties. {T}he model can also be used to detect measurement errors. {C}ombined with geodetic data, this method can provide a consistent glacier-wide annual mass balance series from a heterogeneous network. {T}his model, available to the whole community, can be used to assess the impact of climate change in different regions of the world from long-term mass balance series.}, keywords = {{FRANCE} ; {BOLIVIE} ; {INDE} ; {NORVEGE} ; {ARGENTIERE} {GLACIER} ; {ZONGO} {GLACIER} ; {CHHOTA} {SHIGRI} {GLACIER} ; {NIGARDSBREEN} {GLACIER}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{J}ournal of {G}eophysical {R}esearch : {E}arth {S}urface}, volume = {123}, numero = {9}, pages = {2228--2242}, ISSN = {2169-9003}, year = {2018}, DOI = {10.1029/2018jf004702}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010074133}, }