@article{fdi:010074128, title = {{V}ariations in near-surface debris temperature through the summer monsoon on {K}humbu {G}lacier, {N}epal {H}imalaya}, author = {{G}ibson, {M}. {J}. and {I}rvine-{F}ynn, {T}. {D}. {L}. and {W}agnon, {P}atrick and {R}owan, {A}. {V}. and {Q}uincey, {D}. {J}. and {H}omer, {R}. and {G}lasser, {N}. {F}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{D}ebris surface temperature is a function of debris characteristics and energy fluxes at the debris surface. {H}owever, spatial and temporal variability in debris surface temperature, and the debris properties that control it, are poorly constrained. {H}ere, near-surface debris temperature ({T}-s) is reported for 16 sites across the lower elevations of {K}humbu {G}lacier, {N}epal {H}imalaya, for the 2014 monsoon season. {T}he debris layer at all sites was 1m thick. {W}e confirm the occurrence of temporal and spatial variability in {T}-s over a 67-day period and investigate its controls. {T}-s was found to exhibit marked temporal fluctuations on diurnal, short-term (1-8days) and seasonal timescales. {O}ver the study period, two distinct diurnal patterns in {T}-s were identified that varied in timing, daily amplitude and maximum temperature; days in the latter half of the study period (after {D}ay of {Y}ear 176) exhibited a lower diurnal amplitude (mean = 23 degrees {C}) and reduced maximum temperatures. {D}ays with lower amplitude and minimum {T}-s were concurrent with periods of increased seasonal variability in on-glacier air temperature and incoming shortwave radiation, with the increased frequency of these periods attributed to increasing cloud cover as the monsoon progressed. {S}patial variability in {T}-s was manifested in variability of diurnal amplitude and maximum {T}-s of 7 degrees {C} to 47 degrees {C} between sites. {L}ocal slope, debris clast size and lithology were identified as the most important drivers of spatial variability in {T}-s, with inclusion of these three variables in the stepwise general linear models resulting in {R}-2 0.89 for six out of the seven sites. {T}he complexity of surface energy fluxes and their influence on {T}-s highlight that assuming a simplified relationship between air temperature and debris surface temperature in glacier melt models, and a direct relationship between debris surface temperature and debris thickness for calculating supraglacial debris thickness, should be undertaken with caution.}, keywords = {debris cover ; surface temperature ; ablation ; {K}humbu {G}lacier ; {H}imalaya ; {NEPAL} ; {HIMLAYA} ; {KHUMBU} {GLACIER}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{E}arth {S}urface {P}rocesses and {L}andforms}, volume = {43}, numero = {13}, pages = {2698--2714}, ISSN = {0197-9337}, year = {2018}, DOI = {10.1002/esp.4425}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010074128}, }