@article{fdi:010074121, title = {{V}ivre avec le {VIH} au temps de la normalisation, une exp{\'e}rience banalis{\'e}e pour les femmes ? = {L}iving with {HIV} at the time of its normalization : a routine experience for women ?}, author = {{S}ervais, {S}ophie and {D}esclaux, {A}lice and {B}erth{\'e}, {A}. and {B}ila, {B}. and {M}sellati, {P}hilippe}, editor = {}, language = {{FRE}}, abstract = {{T}o meet the objective of ending the {AIDS} pandemic in 2030, screening and access to anti-retroviral treatments ({ARV}) must be extended in {A}frica. {T}his in turns requires that people agree to be screened and treated. {S}ince the beginning of the epidemic, however, the stigmatization of people persons living with {HIV} ({P}l{HIV}) has been a major obstacle in the battle against {HIV}/{AIDS}. {D}espite a substantial reduction in its prevalence over the past 20 years in {B}urkina {F}aso, its stigma remains high. {T}he objective of this study is to characterize the local expression of stigmatization in this country towards these women to help to combat it. {T}he method used a long-term ethnographic survey that combined observations of the setting and qualitative interviews of 40 women - both seronegative and seropositive. {T}he results show the appearance of a sort of normalization of {HIV}/{AIDS} because the bioclinical effects of the infection are less serious and less visible than they were before {ARV}. {T}he social effects of the disease nonetheless continue to constitute a threat, or at least they are so perceived by both seropositive and seronegative women. {A}lthough less visible, stigmatization persists and constrains seropositive women to use strategies to withdraw from some social spaces to protect themselves. {P}l{HIV} active in community associations play an essential role in this setting. {T}hey help women to keep their stigmata "under control" and play a role in its normalization by helping to moderate representations of {HIV}/{AIDS} and the people who have it.}, keywords = {normalization ; women ; stigmatization ; {HIV} ; {B}urkina {F}aso ; {BURKINA} {FASO}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{M}{\'e}decine et {S}ant{\'e} {T}ropicales}, volume = {28}, numero = {3}, pages = {307--311}, ISSN = {2261-3684}, year = {2018}, DOI = {10.1684/mst.2018.0815}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010074121}, }