@article{fdi:010074103, title = {{M}odeling temperature-dependent development rate and phenology in insects : review of major developments, challenges, and future directions}, author = {{R}ebaudo, {F}ran{\c{c}}ois and {R}abhi, {V}. {B}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{T}he study of insect responses to temperature has a long tradition in science, starting from {R}eaumur's work on caterpillars in the 18th century. {I}n 1932, {E}rnst {J}anisch wrote: "{T}he problem is (and will be more and more in the future) one of the most important ones in entomology [...]'. {A}lmost 90 years after this paper, its prediction still holds true, with a sustained interest of the scientific community for the study of insect responses to temperature, especially in the context of climate change. {W}e present a review of the major developments in the field of insect development responses to temperature and analyze the growing importance of modeling approaches in the literature using a bibliographic analysis. {W}e discuss recent advances and future directions for phenology-modeling based on temperature-dependent development rate. {F}inally, we highlight the need for a change of paradigm toward a system-based approach in order to overcome current challenges and to predict insect phenology more accurately, with direct implications in agriculture, conservation biology, and epidemiology.}, keywords = {performance ; model ; time ; interindividual factors ; paradigm change ; agriculture ; conservation biology ; epidemiology}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{E}ntomologia {E}xperimentalis et {A}pplicata}, volume = {166}, numero = {8}, pages = {607--617}, ISSN = {0013-8703}, year = {2018}, DOI = {10.1111/eea.12693}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010074103}, }