@article{fdi:010074062, title = {{A} theoretical model to analyze the {C}entral to {E}astern {P}acific {E}l {N}ino continuum}, author = {{M}orel, {Y}. and {T}hual, {S}. and {D}elcroix, {T}hierry and {H}all, {N}. and {A}lory, {G}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{A} current scientific issue of great interest is to understand the mechanisms leading to the localization of {E}l {N}ino events either in the {C}entral ({CP}) or {E}astern {P}acific ({EP}). {F}or this, we derive a reduced gravity mixed layer model for the equatorial ocean with simple nonlinearities, diabatic effects and zonally varying background characteristics. {U}sing the model, we study the propagation of an equatorial {K}elvin wave from an initial perturbation. {A}n approximate analytical solution is found for the evolution of the maximum density (or temperature) anomaly created during the passage of the wave. {D}ensity anomalies can either peak in the {CP} or continuously increase until reaching the {EP}, which is representative of both types of {E}l {N}ino. {S}ensitivity tests reveal that both the zonally varying background stratification and diabatic effects are important to determine the density pattern. {T}he {EP} pattern is obtained for smooth background variations while the {CP} pattern requires a frontal background structure. {U}sing numerical experiments, we then show how consecutive {K}elvin waves can lead to the transition from a {CP} to an {EP} pattern. {T}he present theoretical results provide useful insights for understanding {E}l {N}ino dynamics and diversity in more complete models and observations.}, keywords = {{E}quatorial {K}elvin waves ; {M}ixed layer ; {E}l {N}ino ; {PACIFIQUE}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{O}cean {M}odelling}, volume = {130}, numero = {}, pages = {140--159}, ISSN = {1463-5003}, year = {2018}, DOI = {10.1016/j.ocemod.2018.07.006}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010074062}, }