@article{fdi:010074057, title = {{A}daptation strategies to climate change using cotton ({G}ossypium hirsutum {L}.) ideotypes in rainfed tropical cropping systems in {S}ub-{S}aharan {A}frica : a modeling approach}, author = {{G}erardeaux, {E}. and {L}oison, {R}. and {P}alai, {O}. and {S}ultan, {B}enjamin}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{D}eveloping cultivars with adaptive traits to improve sustainability in the face of climate change is an important option for climate smart agriculture. {T}he {CROPGRO}-cotton model was calibrated and evaluated at two locations in {C}ameroon over a period of two years using two planting dates and four contrasted cultivars. {T}he model was used to assess yield gains by modifying plant traits such as specific leaf area, photosynthetic capacity and crop phenology. {T}he ideotype was tested in conventional and conservation agriculture systems and under baseline and future climate conditions. {T}he results revealed that, compared to existing cultivars, the ideotype requires longer to reach maturity and has thicker leaves with good photosynthetic capacity. {I}n 2050 in {N}orth {C}ameroon, climate change will shorten time to maturity and cause a shift in the rainy season but neither change will have an effect on yields. {S}imulations with an ensemble of climate models revealed that models that assume higher rainfall predicted lower yields, suggesting that {N} leaching is a more important constraint than drought in {N}orth {C}ameroon. {O}ur results will help cotton breeders select promising new traits to introduce in their cultivars for adaptation to climate changes in {C}ameroon and to similar sub-{S}aharan soil, cropping systems and climatic conditions.}, keywords = {{CSM}-{CROPGRO}-cotton ; {C}rop modeling ; {I}deotype ; {C}ultivar ; {P}lanting date ; {CAMEROUN}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{F}ield {C}rops {R}esearch}, volume = {226}, numero = {}, pages = {38--47}, ISSN = {0378-4290}, year = {2018}, DOI = {10.1016/j.fcr.2018.07.007}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010074057}, }