@article{fdi:010074054, title = {{T}rophic ecology of speckled peacock bass {C}ichla temensis {H}umboldt 1821 in the middle {N}egro {R}iver, {A}mazon, {B}razil}, author = {{A}guiar-{S}antos, {J}. and de{H}art, {P}. {A}. {P}. and {P}ouilly, {M}arc and {F}reitas, {C}. {E}. {C}. and {S}iqueira-{S}ouza, {F}. {K}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{T}he aim of this study was to analyse the trophic ecology of speckled peacock bass {C}ichla temensis inhabiting two tributaries of the middle {N}egro {R}iver, the {A}raca {R}iver and the {D}emeni {R}iver. {U}sing an analysis of stomach contents and stable isotope composition ({N}-15, {C}-13) of scales, we describe the diet and evaluate the trophic position of subadult and adult individuals. {W}e then test whether diet shifts and trophic positions occurred among successive size classes and among sample locations. {T}he stomach content analysis confirmed the piscivorous feeding habit of the species and showed that the speckled peacock bass preyed on a variety species belonging to different trophic guilds. {T}he length of the ingested prey increased with the size of the speckled peacock bass. {D}iet composition and trophic position were not different among size classes. {C}-13 values yielded significant shifts among the size classes: larger individuals displayed higher {C}-13 values than smaller individuals. {T}rophic position varied between locations, with lowest values observed in fish from the {A}raca {R}iver. {T}his study demonstrated that diet of {C}.temensis may vary according to the size of the fish, even at the subadult or adult stages, and according to the river/locality, even within a same basin. {W}e then suggest that further studies take into account local availability of food resources to better explore {C}.temensis diet and tropic ecology.}, keywords = {carbon sources ; diet shift ; niche width ; piscivory ; stable isotopes ; trophic position ; {BRESIL} ; {AMAZONIE} ; {NEGRO} {COURS} {D}'{EAU}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{E}cology of {F}reshwater {F}ish}, volume = {27}, numero = {4}, pages = {1076--1086}, ISSN = {0906-6691}, year = {2018}, DOI = {10.1111/eff.12416}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010074054}, }