@article{fdi:010074033, title = {{S}eismic imaging and petrology explain highly explosive eruptions of {M}erapi {V}olcano, {I}ndonesia}, author = {{W}idiyantoro, {S}. and {R}amdhan, {M}. and {M}{\'e}taxian, {J}ean-{P}hilippe and {C}ummins, {P}. {R}. and {M}artel, {C}. and {E}rdmann, {S}. and {N}ugraha, {A}. {D}. and {B}udi-{S}antoso, {A}. and {L}aurin, {A}ntoine and {F}ahmi, {A}. {A}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{O}ur seismic tomographic images characterize, for the first time, spatial and volumetric details of the subvertical magma plumbing system of {M}erapi {V}olcano. {W}e present {P}-and {S}-wave arrival time data, which were collected in a dense seismic network, known as {DOMERAPI}, installed around the volcano for 18 months. {T}he {P}-and {S}-wave arrival time data with similar path coverage reveal a high {V}p/{V}s structure extending from a depth of >= 20 km below mean sea level ({MSL}) up to the summit of the volcano. {C}ombined with results of petrological studies, our seismic tomography data allow us to propose: (1) the existence of a shallow zone of intense fluid percolation, directly below the summit of the volcano; (2) a main, pre-eruptive magma reservoir at >= 10 to 20 km below {MSL} that is orders of magnitude larger than erupted magma volumes; (3) a deep magma reservoir at {MOHO} depth which supplies the main reservoir; and (4) an extensive, subvertical fluid-magma-transfer zone from the mantle to the surface. {S}uch high-resolution spatial constraints on the volcano plumbing system as shown are an important advance in our ability to forecast and to mitigate the hazard potential of {M}erapi's future eruptions.}, keywords = {{INDONESIE} ; {MERAPI} {VOLCAN}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{S}cientific {R}eports - {N}ature}, volume = {8}, numero = {}, pages = {art. 13656 [7p.]}, ISSN = {2045-2322}, year = {2018}, DOI = {10.1038/s41598-018-31293-w}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010074033}, }