@article{fdi:010074029, title = {{S}mall-scale field testing of alpha-cypermethrin water-dispersible granules in comparison with the recommended wettable powder formulation for indoor residual spraying against malaria vectors in {B}enin}, author = {{M}oiroux, {N}icolas and {D}jenontin, {A}. and {Z}ogo, {B}. and {B}ouraima, {A}. and {S}idick, {I}. and {P}igeon, {O}. and {P}ennetier, {C}{\'e}dric}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{B}ackground: {P}yrethrolds are the most common class of insecticide used worldwide for indoor residual spraying ({IRS}) against malaria vectors. {W}ater-dispersible granules ({WG}) are a pyrethroid formulation to be applied after disintegration and dispersion in water with less risks of inhalation than using the usual wettable powder ({WP}) formulation. {T}he objective of this small-scale field study was to evaluate efficacy and duration of insecticidal action of a new alpha-cypermethrin {WG} (250 g a.i./kg) against susceptible {A}nopheles gambiae in comparison with the {WHO} reference product (alpha-cypermethrin {WP}, 50 g a.i{J}kg) on the most common indoor surfaces in {B}enin. {M}ethods: {B}oth formulations were applied at two target-dose concentrations in houses made of mud and cement in the {T}okoli village in southern {B}enin. {W}e measured the applied dose of insecticide by chemical analysis of filter paper samples collected from the sprayed inner walls. {W}e recorded {A}n. gambiae mortality and knock-down rates every 15 days during 6 months using standard {WHO} bioassays. {R}esults: {T}he alpha-cypermethrin {WG} formulation did not last as long as the {WP} formulation on both surfaces. {T}he difference is higher with the 30 mg/m(2) concentration for which the {WP} formulation reached the 80% mortality threshold during 2 months on the mud-plastered walls (3 months on cement) whereas the {WG} formulation last only one month (2 months on cement). {C}onclusions: {T}he new {WG} formulation has a shorter efficacy than the {WHO} recommended {WP} formulation. {I}n this trial, both the {WG} and {WP} formulations had low durations of efficacy that would need at least two rounds of spray to cover the entire transmission season.}, keywords = {{I}ndoor residual spraying ; {M}alaria ; {A}nopheles ; {V}ector control ; {T}rial ; {A}lpha-cypermethrin ; {B}enin ; {BENIN}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{P}arasites and {V}ectors}, volume = {11}, numero = {}, pages = {art. 508 [8 p.]}, ISSN = {1756-3305}, year = {2018}, DOI = {10.1186/s13071-018-3071-6}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010074029}, }