@article{fdi:010074027, title = {{L}ifestyle and blood pressure control in the {F}amily {H}ealth {S}trategy {P}rogram, {P}ernambuco, {B}razil = {E}stilo de vida e controle da pressão arterial na {E}strat{\'e}gia {S}aúde da {F}amília em {P}ernambuco, {B}rasil}, author = {{P}aes, {I}. {M}. {B}. {D}. and {F}ontbonne, {A}nnick and {M}elo, {S}. {P}. {D}. {D}. and {R}odrigues, {H}. {D}. and {C}esse, {E}. {A}. {P}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG} ; {POR}}, abstract = {{B}lood pressure ({BP}) control - below 140 mm{H}g for systolic {BP} and 90 mm{H}g for diastolic {BP}, according to the {B}razilian {S}ociety of {H}ypertension - reduces the risk of complications of hypertension. {H}owever, this control remains unsatisfactory in many hypertensive patients. {I}n order to assess the size of the problem and the associated factors, blood pressure control and its association with socioeconomic, demographic, lifestyle and professional orientation characteristics were analyzed in a random sample of 784 hypertensive patients followed by the {F}amily {H}ealth {S}trategy ({FHS}) in the state of {P}ernambuco. {T}he dependent variable was {BP} control; the independent variables were age, gender, education, monthly family income, occupation, physical activity, adhering to a weight-reduction diet, smoking, frequency of alcohol consumption, and having been asked and/or advised by a {FHS} professional about: physical activity, necessity of losing weight, smoking and alcohol consumption habits. {C}hi-square and {S}tudent's t tests were used for statistical analyzes. {BP} was controlled in 43.1% of the hypertensive patients. {C}ontrol was more observed in women (p <0.001), younger subjects (p = 0.003), with higher education (p <0.001) who had been asked and/or advised about physical activity (p = 0.017) or the necessity of losing weight (p = 0.045).{T}here was no association between {BP} control and lifestyle characteristics. {T}hese results point to the need for investment in actions that qualify the performance of the {FHS} professionals for greater control of hypertension in patients.}, keywords = {{H}ypertension ; {R}isk {F}actors ; {P}rimary {H}ealth {C}are ; {BRESIL}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{M}undo da {S}aude}, volume = {42}, numero = {1}, pages = {199--213}, ISSN = {0104-7809}, year = {2018}, DOI = {10.15343/0104-7809.20184201199213}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010074027}, }