@article{fdi:010074023, title = {{G}oodbye {C}harity {H}ospital : l'h{\^o}pital s'impose, m{\^e}me lorsqu'il n'existe plus = {G}oodbye {C}harity {H}ospital : a hospital that matters even when it has ceased to exist}, author = {{C}habrol, {F}anny}, editor = {}, language = {{FRE}}, abstract = {{T}his think-piece presents an exploratory research conducted in {N}ew {O}rleans in {F}ebruary 2015. {I} took great interest in the history - distant and recent - of {C}harity {H}ospital, a big public hospital of {N}ew {O}rleans parish established in 1736 which provided accessible yet excellent services for all. {S}ince the 1930s this hospital was embodied in the collective identity throughout the specific urban history of racial segregation and poverty becoming emblematic of welfare for disadvantaged and {A}fro-{A}merican populations. {A}lthough also emblematic of solidarity during hurricane {K}atrina, this hospital was nonetheless closed in the aftermath of the storm. {I}t was never re-opened despite intense collective attachment and huge health needs. {A} case of disaster capitalism ({K}lein, 2007; {O}tt, 2012), the damaged infrastructure serves as an excuse for state authorities to get rid of the "{C}harity system" and accessible healthcare for all. {D}espite years of collective mobilizations and several plans to reuse and reopen {C}harity, the gigantic {A}rt {D}eco building is in ruins and a brand new hospital complex "up to the standard" has opened a few streets away within a new "biodistrict" neighborhood. {T}his text presents a few ideas that have nourished my research on hospitals' political economy and the collective sense of belonging to health infrastructures.}, keywords = {public hospital ; disaster ; capitalism ; {N}ew-{O}rleans ; political economics ; affects ; {ETATS} {UNIS} ; {NOUVELLE} {ORLEANS}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{A}nthropologie et {S}ant{\'e}}, volume = {16}, numero = {}, pages = {en ligne [14 ]}, ISSN = {2111-5028}, year = {2018}, DOI = {10.4000/anthropologiesante.3045}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010074023}, }