@article{fdi:010074013, title = {{A} model perspective on the dynamics of the shadow zone of the eastern tropical {N}orth {A}tlantic. {P}art 1 : the poleward slope currents along {W}est {A}frica}, author = {{K}ounta, {L}. and {C}apet, {X}. and {J}ouanno, {J}ulien and {K}olodziejczyk, {N}. and {S}ow, {B}. and {G}aye, {A}. {T}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{T}he {W}est {A}frican seaboard is one of the upwelling sectors that has received the least attention, and in situ observations relevant to its dynamics are particularly scarce. {T}he current system in this sector is not well known and understood, e.g., in terms of seasonal variability, across-shore structure, and forcing processes. {T}his knowledge gap is addressed in two studies that analyze the mean seasonal cycle of an eddy-permitting numerical simulation of the tropical {A}tlantic. {P}art 1 is concerned with the circulation over the {W}est {A}frican continental slope at the southernmost reach of the {C}anary {C}urrent system, between similar to 8 and 20 degrees {N}. {T}he focus is on the depth range most directly implicated in the wind-driven circulation (offshore and coastal upwellings and {S}verdrup transport) located above the potential density sigma(t) = 26.7 kg {M}-3 in the model (approx. above 250 m of depth). {I}n this sector and for this depth range, the flow is predominantly poleward as a direct consequence of positive wind stress curl forcing, but the degree to which the magnitude of the upper ocean poleward transport reflects {S}verdrup theory varies with latitude. {T}he model poleward flow also exhibits a marked semiannual cycle with transport maxima in spring and fall. {D}ynamical rationalizations of these characteristics are offered in terms of wind forcing of coastal trapped waves and {R}ossby wave dynamics. {R}emote forcing by seasonal fluctuations of coastal winds in the {G}ulf of {G}uinea plays an instrumental role in the fall intensification of the poleward flow. {T}he spring intensification appears to be related to wind fluctuations taking place at shorter distances north of the {G}ulf of {G}uinea entrance and also locally. {R}ossby wave activity accompanying the semiannual fluctuations of the poleward flow in the coastal waveguide varies greatly with latitude, which in turn exerts a major influence on the vertical structure of the poleward flow. {A}lthough the realism of the model {W}est {A}frican boundary currents is difficult to determine precisely, the present in-depth investigation provides a renewed framework for future observational programs in the region.}, keywords = {{ATLANTIQUE} {NORD} ; {ZONE} {TROPICALE} ; {AFRIQUE} {DE} {L}'{OUEST}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{O}cean {S}cience}, volume = {14}, numero = {5}, pages = {971--997}, ISSN = {1812-0784}, year = {2018}, DOI = {10.5194/os-14-971-2018}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010074013}, }