@article{fdi:010073989, title = {{L}ake {T}auca highstand ({H}einrich {S}tadial 1a) driven by a southward shift of the {B}olivian {H}igh}, author = {{M}artin, {L}. {C}. {P}. and {B}lard, {P}. {H}. and {L}ave, {J}. and {C}ondom, {T}homas and {P}remaillon, {M}. and {J}omelli, {V}. and {B}runstein, {D}. and {L}upker, {M}. and {C}harreau, {J}. and {M}ariotti, {V}. and {T}ibari, {B}. and {D}avy, {E}. and {ASTER} {T}eam}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{H}einrich events are characterized by worldwide climate modifications. {O}ver the {A}ltiplano endorheic basin (high tropical {A}ndes), the second half of {H}einrich {S}tadial 1 ({HS}1a) was coeval with the highstand of the giant paleolake {T}auca. {H}owever, the atmospheric mechanisms underlying this wet event are still unknown at the regional to global scale. {W}e use cosmic-ray exposure ages of glacial landforms to reconstruct the spatial variability in the equilibrium line altitude of the {HS}1 a {A}ltiplano glaciers. {B}y combining glacier and lake modeling, we reconstruct a precipitation map for the {HS}1a period. {O}ur results show that paleoprecipitation mainly increased along the {E}astern {C}ordillera, whereas the southwestern region of the basin remained relatively dry. {T}his pattern indicates a southward expansion of the easterlies, which is interpreted as being a consequence of a southward shift of the {B}olivian {H}igh. {T}he results provide a new understanding of atmospheric teleconnections during {HS}1 and of rainfall redistribution in a changing climate.}, keywords = {{BOLIVIE} ; {TAUCA} {LAC}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{S}cience {A}dvances}, volume = {4}, numero = {8}, pages = {art. no eaar2514 [10 ]}, ISSN = {2375-2548}, year = {2018}, DOI = {10.1126/sciadv.aar2514}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010073989}, }