@article{fdi:010073959, title = {{S}ymbiotic and non-symbiotic {P}araburkholderia isolated from {S}outh {A}frican {L}ebeckia ambigua root nodules and the description of {P}araburkholderia fynbosensis sp. nov.}, author = {{D}e {M}eyer, {S}. {E}. and {C}nockaert, {M}. and {M}oulin, {L}ionel and {H}owieson, {J}. {G}. and {V}andamme, {P}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{N}ine {G}ram-negative, rod-shaped bacteria were isolated from {L}ebeckia arnbigua root nodules. {A}ll strains were able to nodulate and fix nitrogen with {L}ebeckia arnbigua apart from {WSM}4178({T}), {WSM}4181 and {WSM}4182. {B}ased on the 16{S} r{RNA} gene phylogeny, all strains were closely related to {P}araburkholderia species (98.4-99.9%), belonging to the {B}etaproteobacteria class and {B}urkholderiaceae family. {A}ccording to 16{S} r{RNA} gene phylogeny the closest relative for {WSM}4174-{WSM}4177 and {WSM}4179-{WSM}4180 was {P}araburkholderia tuberum (99.80-99.86 %), for {WSM}4178({T}) was {P}araburkholderia caledonica (98.42 %) and for {WSM}4181-{WSM}4182 was {P}araburkholderia graminis (99.79 %). {A}nalysis of the gyr{B} and rec{A} housekeeping genes supported the assignment of {WSM}4181-{WSM}4182 to {P}. graminis and the other investigated strains could be assigned to the genus {P}araburkholderia. {T}he results of {DNA}-{DNA} hybridization, physiological and biochemical tests allowed genotypic and phenotypic differentiation of {WSM}4178({T}) from the closest validly published {P}araburkholderia species. {H}owever, {WSM}41 74-{WSM}41 77 and {WSM}41 79-{WSM}4180 could not reliably be distinguished from its closest neighbour and therefore complete genome comparison was performed between {WSM}4176 and {P}. tuberum {STM}678({T}) which gave {ANI} values of 96-97 %. {C}hemotaxonomic data, including fatty acid profiles and quinone data supported the assignment of the strains to the genus {P}araburkholderia. {O}n the basis of genotypic and phenotypic data one novel species, {P}araburkholderia fynbosensis sp. nov. ({WSM}4178({T})={LMG} 27177({T})={HAMBI} 3356({T})), is proposed and the isolation of {P}. tuberum and {P}. graminis from root nodules of {L}ebeckia arnbigua is reported.}, keywords = {{L}ebeckia ; {S}outh {A}frica ; fynbos ; legumes ; beta-rhizobia ; {P}araburkholderia ; {AFRIQUE} {DU} {SUD}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{I}nternational {J}ournal of {S}ystematic and {E}volutionary {M}icrobiology}, volume = {68}, numero = {8}, pages = {2607--2614}, ISSN = {1466-5026}, year = {2018}, DOI = {10.1099/ijsem.0.002884}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010073959}, }