@article{fdi:010073761, title = {{IFN}-gamma response is associated to time exposure among asymptomatic immune responders that visited {A}merican {T}egumentary {L}eishmaniasis endemic areas in {P}eru}, author = {{B}est, {I}. and {P}rivat-{M}aldonado, {A}. and {C}ruz, {M}. and {Z}imic, {M}. and {B}ras {G}oncalves, {R}achel and {L}emesre, {J}ean-{L}oup and {A}revalo, {J}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{C}linical manifestations of {A}merican {T}egumentary {L}eishmaniasis ({ATL}) include cutaneous ({CL}) and mucous forms ({ML}); however, there are asymptomatic individuals who despite being infected do not present any clinical manifestations. {T}his study characterized the cell-mediated immunity of travelers who lived in the {A}ndean highlands of {C}usco, free of leishmaniasis transmission, which eventually visited leishmaniasis endemic in the {A}mazonian basin and returned home without any clinical signs of the disease. {T}heir immune response was compared with {CL} and {ML} patients who acquired the disease during their stage in the same region. {F}ifty-four human subjects from the highlands of {C}usco ({P}eru), who have visited an endemic area, were enrolled: 28 of them did not show any symptoms, 12 showed {CL} and 14 showed {ML}. {T}en healthy subjects from a non-endemic area ({HS}) were included as controls. {T}-cell proliferation was evaluated using peripheral blood mononuclear cells ({PBMC}) stimulated for 5 days with a total soluble leishmanial antigen ({TSLA}) of {L}. ({V}.) braziliensis. {T}h1/{T}h2/{T}h17 cytokines were also quantified in the supernatants by a flow cytometry multiplex assay. {T}-cell proliferation was expressed as stimulation index ({SI}) and the cut off was fixed at {SI} >2.47. {F}ifteen out of 28 subjects did not show any signs of disease (54%); subjects with an {SI} above the cut off. {T}hey were defined as asymptomatic immune responders ({AIR}). {CL} and {ML} patients presented a higher {SI} than {HS} and {AIR}. {A}mong the latter group, the exposure time to {L}eishmania was clearly associated with the {IFN}-gamma response. {I}ncreased levels of this cytokine were observed in individuals who remained <90 days in an endemic area of leishmaniasis. {O}ur results evidenced two sub-populations among asymptomatic individuals, one {AIR} who did not develop clinical disease manifestations when they were exposed to {L}eishmania in endemic areas. {E}xposure time to {L}eishmania in the wild was associated with the {IFN}-gamma response.}, keywords = {{A}merican {T}egumentary {L}eishmaniasis ; asymptomatic infection ; cellular immune response ; {T} cell proliferation ; {T}h1 response ; {PEROU}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{F}rontiers in {C}ellular and {I}nfection {M}icrobiology}, volume = {8}, numero = {}, pages = {art. 289 [8 p.]}, ISSN = {2235-2988}, year = {2018}, DOI = {10.3389/fcimb.2018.00289}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010073761}, }