@article{fdi:010073747, title = {{W}hy are caesarean section rates so high in facilities in {M}ali and {B}enin ?}, author = {{S}chantz, {C}. and {R}avit, {M}. and {T}raore, {A}. and {A}boubakar, {M}. and {G}oyet, {S}. and {L}oenzien, {M}yriam de and {D}umont, {A}lexandre and {C}esaria, {G}rp}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{O}bjective: {T}o assess new estimates of caesarean section (c-section) rates in facilities in two sub-{S}aharan countries using the {R}obson classification. {M}ethods: {T}his study is a retrospective study. {W}orkshops were organized in {M}ali and {B}enin in 2017 to train health care professionals in the use of the {R}obson classification. {N}ine health facilities in {M}ali and {B}enin were selected to participate in the study. {D}ata for deliveries performed in 2014, 2015, and 2016 were included. {R}esults: {A} total of 12,472 deliveries were included. {T}he overall c-section rate was high in facilities in both countries: 31.0% in {M}ali and 43.9% in {B}enin. {W}omen classified as high-risk (groups 6-10) were small relative contributors to the overall c-section rate (19.3% in {M}ali and 25.3% in {B}enin), while low-risk women (groups 1-4) were high relative contributors (55.4% in {M}ali and 45.2% in {B}enin). {C}-section rates in women who had undergone a previous c-section were especially high in both countries (84.0% in {M}ali; 82.5% in {B}enin). {T}his group was the largest contributor to the overall c-section rates in both countries. {C}onclusions: {W}e found high c-section rates in facilities in {M}ali and {B}enin, particularly for low-risk women and for women with a previous c-section. {F}urther investigations should be carried out to understand why the c-section rates are so high in these facilities. {S}trategies must be implemented to avoid unnecessary c-sections, which potentially lead to further complications, particularly in countries with high fertility rates.}, keywords = {{C}aesarean section ; {L}ow-income countries ; {R}obson classification ; {M}ali ; {B}enin ; {MALI} ; {BENIN}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{S}exual and {R}eproductive {H}ealthcare}, volume = {16}, numero = {}, pages = {10--14}, ISSN = {1877-5756}, year = {2018}, DOI = {10.1016/j.srhc.2018.01.001}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010073747}, }