@article{fdi:010073684, title = {{T}he rise and fall of {A}frican rice cultivation revealed by analysis of 246 new genomes}, author = {{C}ubry, {P}hilippe and {D}ubreuil {T}ranchant, {C}hristine and {T}huillet, {A}nne-{C}{\'e}line and {M}onat, {C}. and {N}djiondjop, {M}. {N}. and {L}abadie, {K}. and {C}ruaud, {C}. and {E}ngelen, {S}. and {S}carcelli, {N}ora and {R}hon{\'e}, {B}{\'e}n{\'e}dicte and {B}urgarella, {C}oncetta and {D}upuy, {C}. and {L}armande, {P}ierre and {W}incker, {P}. and {F}rancois, {O}. and {S}abot, {F}ran{\c{c}}ois and {V}igouroux, {Y}ves}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{A}frican rice ({O}ryza glaberrima) was domesticated independently from {A}sian rice. {T}he geographical origin of its domestication remains elusive. {U}sing 246 new whole-genome sequences, we inferred the cradle of its domestication to be in the {I}nner {N}iger {D}elta. {D}omestication was preceded by a sharp decline of most wild populations that started more than 10,000 years ago. {T}he wild population collapse occurred during the drying of the {S}ahara. {T}his finding supports the hypothesis that depletion of wild resources in the {S}ahara triggered {A}frican rice domestication. {A}frican rice cultivation strongly expanded 2,000 years ago. {D}uring the last 5 centuries, a sharp decline of its cultivation coincided with the introduction of {A}sian rice in {A}frica. {A} gene, {PROG}1, associated with an erect plant architecture phenotype, showed convergent selection in two rice cultivated species, {O}ryza glaberrima from {A}frica and {O}ryza sativa from {A}sia. {I}n contrast, a shattering gene, {SH}5, showed selection signature during {A}frican rice domestication, but not during {A}sian rice domestication. {O}verall, our genomic data revealed a complex history of {A}frican rice domestication influenced by important climatic changes in the {S}aharan area, by the expansion of {A}frican agricultural society, and by recent replacement by another domesticated species.}, keywords = {{AFRIQUE}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{C}urrent {B}iology}, volume = {28}, numero = {14}, pages = {2274--2282 + 6}, ISSN = {0960-9822}, year = {2018}, DOI = {10.1016/j.cub.2018.05.066}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010073684}, }