@article{fdi:010073655, title = {{W}hat are the main environmental factors driving the development of the neurotoxic dinoflagellate {V}ulcanodinium rugosum in a {M}editerranean ecosystem ({I}ngril lagoon, {F}rance) ?}, author = {{A}badie, {E}. and {C}hiantella, {C}. and {C}rottier, {A}. and {R}hodes, {L}. and {M}asseret, {E}stelle and {B}erteaux, {T}. and {L}aabir, {M}ohamed}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{V}ulcanodinium rugosum, a dinofiagellate developing in {I}ngril {L}agoon ({M}editerranean, {F}rance) is responsible for shellfish intoxications due to the neurotoxin pinnatoxin {G}. {A} one year survey ({M}arch 2012-{A}pril 2013) was conducted in this oligotrophic shallow lagoon and key environmental parameters were recorded (temperature, salinity and nutrients). {T}he spatio-temporal distribution of {V}. rugosum in water column and on macrophytes was also determined. {P}lanktonic cells of {V}. rugosum were observed at all sampling stations, but in relatively low concentrations (maximum of 1000 cell/{L}). {T}he highest abundances were observed from {J}une to {S}eptember 2012. {T}here was a positive correlation between cell densities and both temperature and salinity. {N}on-motile cells were detected on macrophytes, with a maximum concentration of 6300 cells/g wet weight. {N}itrite and ammonium were negatively related to {V}. rugosum abundance whereas total nitrogen, total phosphorus and phosphates showed a positive correlation. {A}ltogether, in situ results suggest that {V}. rugosum is rather thermophilic and that organic nutrients should be considered when studying the nutrition requirements for this noxious expanding dinoflagellate.}, keywords = {{V}ulcanodinium rugosum ; {N}eurotoxins ; {I}ngril lagoon ; {E}nvironmental factors ; {D}evelopment dynamic ; {FRANCE} ; {MEDITERRANEE} ; {INGRIL} {ETANG}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{H}armful {A}lgae}, volume = {75}, numero = {}, pages = {75--86}, ISSN = {1568-9883}, year = {2018}, DOI = {10.1016/j.hal.2018.03.012}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010073655}, }