@article{fdi:010073651, title = {{C}arbon dynamics and inconstant porewater input in a mangrove tidal creek over contrasting seasons and tidal amplitudes}, author = {{T}aillardat, {P}. and {Z}iegler, {A}. {D}. and {F}riess, {D}. {A}. and {W}idory, {D}. and {V}an, {V}. {T}. and {D}avid, {F}. and {N}guyen, {T}. {N}. and {M}archand, {C}yril}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{C}onstraining the contribution of mangrove-derived carbon in tidal creeks is fundamental to understanding the fate of mangrove primary production and the role of mangroves as coastal carbon sinks. {P}orewater measurements and 24-h time series in a mangrove tidal creek were conducted during the dry and wet season, and over contrasting tidal ranges at the {C}an {G}io {B}iosphere {R}eserve, {V}ietnam. {S}urface water carbon concentrations (dissolved organic carbon ({DOC}), dissolved inorganic carbon ({DIC}), partial pressure of carbon dioxide (p{CO}(2))) and their respective delta {C}-13 values were correlated with radon, suggesting that porewater input drives mangrove-derived carbon in the tidal creek. {B}ased on three complementary mixing models, porewater input contributed to about 30% of the water volume and 46% to 100% of {DOC} and {DIC} pools in the tidal creek at low tide, with variabilities between seasons and tidal amplitudes. {T}he creek carbon pool was 88% {DIC}, 6% {DOC}, and 6% particulate organic carbon ({POC}). {T}he p{CO}(2) values during the wet season (2973-16,495 mu atm) were on average 5-fold higher than during the dry season (584-2946 mu atm). {T}his was explained by a potential greater mineralization attributed to higher organic matter availability and residual humidity that stimulate bacterial activity, and by a potential tidal dilution changing the p{CO}(2)/{DIC} ratio as suggested by the {R}evelle factor. {C}onsequently, average {CO}2 evasion from the creek was estimated at 327-427 mmol{C} m(-2) d(-1) during the wet season and 92-213 mmol{C} m(-2) d(-1) during the dry season, using two independent approaches. {T}idal amplitude seemed to influence porewater input and its carbon loads, with a higher contribution during frequent and high tidal amplitudes (symmetric). {H}owever, the highest input occurred in a tidal cycle which was preceded by tidal cycle of low amplitude (asymmetric). {W}e explain this ambiguity by the influence of both, rapid water turnover intensifying porewater exchange, and long water residence time enhancing carbon load in porewater.}, keywords = {{D}issolved carbon ; {P}orewater input ; {CO}2 efflux ; {S}table isotopes ; {M}ixing model ; {VIET} {NAM} ; {CAN} {GIO}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{G}eochimica et {C}osmochimica {A}cta}, volume = {237}, numero = {}, pages = {32--48}, ISSN = {0016-7037}, year = {2018}, DOI = {10.1016/j.gca.2018.06.012}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010073651}, }