@article{fdi:010073650, title = {{E}nhancement of coral calcification via the interplay of nickel and urease}, author = {{B}iscere, {T}. and {F}errier-{P}ages, {C}. and {G}rover, {R}. and {G}ilbert, {A}. and {R}ottier, {C}. and {W}right, {A}. and {P}ayri, {C}laude and {H}oulbr{\`e}que, {F}anny}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{C}orals are the main reef builders through the formation of calcium carbonate skeletons. {I}n recent decades, coral calcification has however been impacted by many global (climate change) and local stressors (such as destructive fishing practices and changes in water quality). {I}n this particular context, it is crucial to identify and characterize the various factors that promote coral calcification. {W}e thus performed the first investigation of the effect of nickel and urea enrichment on the calcification rates of three coral species. {T}hese two factors may indeed interact with calcification through the activity of urease, which catalyzes the hydrolysis of urea to produce inorganic carbon and ammonia that are involved in the calcification process. {E}xperiments were performed with the asymbiotic coral {D}endrophyllia arbuscula and, to further assess if urea and/or nickel has an indirect link with calcification through photosynthesis, results were compared with those obtained with two symbiotic corals, {A}cropora muricata and {P}ocillopora damicornis, for which we also measured photosynthetic rates. {A}mbient and enriched nickel (0.12 and 3.50 mu g {L}-1 ) combined with ambient and enriched urea concentrations (0.26 and 5.52 mu mol {L}-1) were tested during 4 weeks in aquaria. {W}e demonstrate in the study that a nickel enrichment alone or combined with a urea enrichment strongly stimulated urea uptake rates of the three tested species. {I}n addition, this enhancement of urea uptake and hydrolysis significantly increased the long-term calcification rates (i.e. growth) of the three coral species investigated, inducing a 1.49-fold to 1.64-fold increase, respectively for {D}. arbuscula and {P}. damicornis. {S}ince calcification was greatly enhanced by nickel in the asymbiotic coral species - i.e. in absence of photosynthesis - we concluded that the effect of increased urease activity on calcification was mainly direct. {A}ccording to our results, it can be assumed that corals in some fringing reefs, benefiting from seawater enriched in nickel may have advantages and might be able to use urea more effectively as a carbon and nitrogen source. {I}t can also be suggested that urea, for which hotspots are regularly measured in reef waters may alleviate the negative consequences of thermal stress on corals.}, keywords = {{M}etals ; {N}ickel ; {U}rea ; {D}issolved organic nitrogen ; {C}oral calcification ; {C}oral photosynthesis ; {NOUVELLE} {CALEDONIE} ; {MER} {ROUGE}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{A}quatic {T}oxicology}, volume = {200}, numero = {}, pages = {247--256}, ISSN = {0166-445{X}}, year = {2018}, DOI = {10.1016/j.aquatox.2018.05.013}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010073650}, }