@article{fdi:010073624, title = {{G}ene-silencing suppressors for high-level production of the {HIV}-1 entry inhibitor griffithsin in {N}icotiana benthamiana}, author = {{H}abibi, {P}. and {S}occol, {C}. {R}. and {O}'{K}eefe, {B}. {R}. and {K}rumpe, {L}. {R}. {H}. and {W}ilson, {J}. and de {M}acedo, {L}. {L}. {P}. and {F}aheem, {M}. and {D}os {S}antos, {V}. {O}. and {P}rado, {G}. {S}. and {B}otelho, {M}. {A}. and {L}acombe, {S}{\'e}verine and {G}rossi-de-{S}a, {M}. {F}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{T}he exploration of emerging host organisms for the economic and efficient production of protein microbicides against {HIV} is urgently needed in resource-poor areas worldwide. {I}n this study, the production of the novel {HIV} entry inhibitor candidate, griffithsin ({GRFT}), was investigated using {N}icotiana benthamiana as the expression platform based on a non-viral vector. {T}o increase the yield of recombinant {GRFT}, the {RNA} silencing defense mechanism of {N}. benthamiana was abolished by using three gene silencing suppressors. {A} transient expression system was used by transferring the {GRFT} gene, which encodes 122 amino acids, under the control of the enhanced {C}a{MV} 35{S} promoter. {T}he presence of correctly assembled {GRFT} in transgenic leaves was confirmed using immunoglobulin-specific sandwich {ELISA}. {T}he data demonstrated that the use of three gene silencing suppressors allowed the highest accumulation of {GRFT}, with a yield of 400 mu g g(-1) fresh weight, and this amount was reduced to 287 mu g g(-1) after purification, representing a recovery of 71.75%. {T}he analysis also showed that the ability of {GRFT} expressed in {N}. benthamiana to bind to glycoprotein 120 is close to that of the {GRFT} protein purified from {E}. coli {W}hole-cell assays using purified {GRFT} showed that our purified {GRFT} was potently active against {HIV}. {T}his study provides the first high-level production of the {HIV}-1 entry inhibitor griffithsin with a non-viral expression system and illustrates the robustness of the co-agroinfiltration expression system improved through the use of three gene silencing suppressors.}, keywords = {{GRFT} ; {HIV}-1 ; {N}icotiana benthamiana ; {E}. coli ; {A}groinfiltration ; {S}ilencing suppressors}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{P}rocess {B}iochemistry}, volume = {70}, numero = {}, pages = {45--54}, ISSN = {1359-5113}, year = {2018}, DOI = {10.1016/j.procbio.2018.04.006}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010073624}, }