@article{fdi:010073607, title = {{A} laboratory study on the generation of estuarine negatively, neutrally and positively buoyant bio-mediated flocs}, author = {{L}efebvre, {J}ean-{P}ierre and {M}ari, {X}avier and {C}hu, {T}. {V}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{I}n estuaries and coastal areas, the mixing of inorganic and organic sediments results in the production of biomediated flocs. {T}heir densities depend on the ratio between the light organic fraction and the mineral ballast. {T}ransparent exopolymer particles ({TEP}) are ubiquitous in estuarine and marine environments. {B}ecause of their positive buoyancy, they form biofilms at the water surface. {I}n order to investigate how the bio-mediated flocculation involving {TEP} impacts the sedimentation processes in the near surface layer of estuaries, we determined at the laboratory, the ascending/descending velocity of the mineral particles and their flocs size distributions ({FSD}s) of sediments sampled from the {C}am {R}iver estuary ({V}ietnam), for concentrations ranging from 5 to 50 mg {L}-1, for two levels of turbulence representative to the slack water and mid ebb conditions of this estuary and for various {TEP} concentration and stickiness. {T}he obtained results showed that the sediment velocity varied over two orders of magnitude depending of the conditions of the experiment. {A}scending velocities were mostly measured for mid ebb conditions. {T}he generated positively buoyant bio-mediated flocs were formed by microflocs coated by a {TEP} matrix. {F}or the slack water conditions, {FSD}s were highly dependent of the {TEP} concentration and stickiness. {P}ositively buoyant bio-mediated flocs were generated for specific concentrations and stickiness of {TEP} only. {T}he corresponding {FSD}s were consistent with positively buoyant macroflocs, with {TEP} located mostly inside the flocs.}, keywords = {{B}io-mediated flocs ; {TEP} ; {F}locs-size distribution ; {E}stuary ; {M}ixing jar ; {VIET} {NAM} ; {CAM} {COURS} {D}'{EAU}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{E}stuarine {C}oastal and {S}helf {S}cience}, volume = {208}, numero = {}, pages = {180--190}, ISSN = {0272-7714}, year = {2018}, DOI = {10.1016/j.ecss.2018.05.005}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010073607}, }