@article{fdi:010073374, title = {{T}he knotted web of denominations : epistemological investment in the anthropology of work}, author = {{A}bsi, {P}ascale and {B}azin, {L}. and {S}elim, {M}onique}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{I}n the globalized world, work presents itself as a nub of actualization of intermixed relations of domination. {H}ow does the ethnological analysis study such intermixed relations? {T}o answer the question the first part of the paper compares the anthropological approaches that {P}ierre {B}ourdieu and {G}{\'e}rard {A}lthabe designed in the key period of decolonization. {T}hey both broke with colonial ethnography through the analysis of relations of colonial domination in the field of work. {B}ourdieu?s approach is structuralist and he combines ethnography and sociological analysis to display the symbolic structure of the social positions. {A}lthabe's ethnologic approach is constructivist and tries to show the production of social relations by the power of imagination. {I}n the second part of the paper three researches are briefly presented : prostitution in the brothels of {P}otosi in {B}olivia, the job of the highly qualified women of {U}niversity of {C}anton in {C}hina, work in the building industry in {O}ran in {A}lgeria by way of a return to the {B}ourdieu's work. {I}n these very different situations, the analysis lays stress on the means by which the social agents build their social relations.}, keywords = {{ANTHROPOLOGIE} {SOCIALE} ; {SOCIOLOGIE} {DU} {TRAVAIL} ; {ETHNOSCIENCE} ; {DOMINATION} ; {HISTOIRE} {COLONIALE} ; {PROSTITUTION} ; {TRAVAIL} {DES} {FEMMES} ; {EPISTEMOLOGIE} ; {ALGERIE} ; {BOLIVIE} ; {CHINE}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{W}orld {J}ournal of {S}ocial {S}cience {R}esearch}, volume = {3}, numero = {3}, pages = {396--417}, ISSN = {2375-9747}, year = {2016}, DOI = {10.22158/wjssr.v3n3p396}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010073374}, }