@article{fdi:010073222, title = {{C}haracterization of the depocenters and the basement structure, below the central {C}hile {A}ndean {F}orearc : a 3{D} geophysical modelling in {S}antiago {B}asin area}, author = {{G}onzalez, {F}. {A}. and {M}aksymowicz, {A}. and {D}iaz, {D}. and {V}illegas, {L}. and {L}eiva, {M}. and {B}lanco, {B}. and {V}era, {E}. and {C}ontreras, {S}. and {C}abrera, {D}. and {B}onvalot, {S}ylvain}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{S}ince the last century, several geological and geophysical studies have been developed in the {S}antiago {B}asin to understand its morphology and tectonic evolution. {H}owever, some uncertainties regarding sedimentary fill properties and possible density anomalies below the sediments/basement boundary remain. {C}onsidering that this is an area densely populated with more than 6 million inhabitants in a highly active seismotectonic environment, the physical properties of the {S}antiago {B}asin are important to study the geological and structural evolution of the {A}ndean forearc and to characterize its seismic response and related seismic hazard. {T}wo and three-dimensional gravimetric models were developed, based on a database of 797 compiled and 883 newly acquired gravity stations. {T}o produce a well-constrained basement elevation model, a review of 499 wells and 30 transient electromagnetic soundings were used, which contribute with basement depth or minimum sedimentary thickness information. {F}or the 2-{D} modelling, a total of 49 gravimetric profiles were processed considering a homogeneous density contrast and independent regional trends. {A} strong positive gravity anomaly was observed in the centre of the basin, which complicated the modelling process but was carefully addressed with the available constrains. {T}he resulting basement elevation models show complex basement geometry with, at least, eight recognizable depocenters with maximum sedimentary infill of 500m. {T}he 3-{D} density models show alignments in the basement that correlates well with important intrusive units of the {C}enozoic and {M}esozoic. {A}long with interpreted fault zones westwards and eastwards of the basin, the observations suggest a structural control of {S}antiago basin geometry, where recent deformation associated with the {A}ndean contractional deformation front and old structures developed during the {C}enozoic extension are superimposed to the variability of river erosion/deposition processes.}, keywords = {foreland basins ; geophysical modelling ; gravity and tectonics ; subduction-related basins ; tectonic geomorphology ; tectonics and sedimentation ; {CHILI} ; {ANDES} ; {SANTIAGO} {BASSIN}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{B}asin {R}esearch}, volume = {30}, numero = {4}, pages = {799--815}, ISSN = {0950-091{X}}, year = {2018}, DOI = {10.1111/bre.12281}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010073222}, }