@article{fdi:010073216, title = {{A}nalysis of evapotranspiration components of a rainfed olive orchard during three contrasting years in a semi-arid climate}, author = {{C}hebbi, {W}. and {B}oulet, {G}illes and {L}e {D}antec, {V}. and {C}habaane, {Z}. {L}. and {F}anise, {P}ascal and {M}ougenot, {B}ernard and {A}yari, {H}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{E}vapotranspiration is one of the most important fluxes of the water budget in semi-arid areas. {T}he estimation of actual crop transpiration is a major issue in those regions due to its remarkable impacts on the precision of irrigation scheduling, crop growth and yield. {R}ainfed olive trees are adapted to the southern part of the {M}editerranean basin even though they are vulnerable to an increased number of drought spells that might occur under current climate change scenarios. {T}his present paper studies both water and energy exchanges over a rainfed olive grove in semi-arid conditions. {T}he hydrological functioning of sparse olive trees is difficult to characterize because of its low {LAI}. {T}o better understand water exchanges within the {S}oil {P}lant {A}tmosphere continuum and better evaluate the evapotranspiration and its components, we combine data arising from eddy covariance, soil water content measurements and the sap flow method. {F}irst, we check the consistency of the evapotranspiration partitioning and water balance over three contrasted years: one wet and two dry. {T}otal evapotranspiration ({ET}) from eddy covariance method compares well with the sum of the evaporation ({E}) generated from the surface soil moisture measurements and the transpiration derived from the sap flow method. {T}he top meter soil water balance corresponds roughly to {ET} during the wet year but for the dry years there is an evidence of extraction by roots below the first meter of soil. {I}nter-annual variations of the transpiration and associated water stress levels are analyzed by the combined use of different types of eco-physiological (sap flow) as well as remotely sensed variables that can be monitored through proxi-detection (albedo, surface temperature, surface soil moisture). {T}he amount and timing of vegetation stress are consistent throughout the various indicators. {C}onsequently, this consistent set of data can be used to constrain a {SVAT} land-surface model capable of representing the various features of the water and energy budget for this specific land cover.}, keywords = {{E}ddy covariance ; {S}ap flow ; {E}vapotranspiration ; {P}artitioning ; {W}ater stress ; {R}ainfed olive ; {TUNISIE} ; {KAIROUAN} ; {ZONE} {SEMIARIDE}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{A}gricultural and {F}orest {M}eteorology}, volume = {256}, numero = {}, pages = {159--178}, ISSN = {0168-1923}, year = {2018}, DOI = {10.1016/j.agrformet.2018.02.020}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010073216}, }