@article{fdi:010073206, title = {{Q}uantitative study of the mineralogical composition of mineral dust aerosols by {X}-ray diffraction}, author = {{N}owak, {S}. and {L}afon, {S}. and {C}aquineau, {S}andrine and {J}ournet, {E}. and {L}aurent, {B}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{M}ineral dust aerosols, produced by wind erosion in arid regions and semi-arid surfaces, are important components of the atmosphere that affect the {E}arth radiative budget, atmospheric chemistry and biogeochemical cycles. {D}ust aerosol particles are composed of a complex mixture of various minerals, mainly clays, calcite, quartz, feldspars and iron oxides. {T}he nature and the relative abundance of the minerals are key parameters to evaluate mineral dust environmental impacts. {S}trong limitations remain to quantify the mineralogical composition of dust particles, mainly due to the low mass of in-situ collected dust particle samples. {I}n this study, an analytical method and {X}-{R}ay {D}iffraction ({XRD}) measurements are presented to quantify the mineralogical composition of low mass aerosol particle samples. {T}he method is applied on reference minerals (illite, kaolinite and palygorskite) commonly present in desert dust aerosols, as well as on lab-generated dust aerosols from desert soils. {XRD} measurements of theses samples in rotation in a glass capillary are combined with the {R}ietveld refinement method. {T}he results obtained are repeatable and confronted to theoretical values given in the literature for the reference minerals. {T}his method allows us to quantify the mineralogical composition of low mass dust mineral samples with an unprecedented accuracy.}, keywords = {{M}ineralogical composition ; {M}ineral dust particles ; {P}owder {X}-{R}ay ; {D}iffraction ; {R}ietveld analysis ; {TUNISIE} ; {SAHARA} ; {NIGER} ; {ZONE} {SAHELIENNE}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{T}alanta}, volume = {186}, numero = {}, pages = {133--139}, ISSN = {0039-9140}, year = {2018}, DOI = {10.1016/j.talanta.2018.03.059}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010073206}, }