@article{fdi:010073200, title = {{C}offee and tea consumption and the contribution of their added ingredients to total energy and nutrient intakes in 10 {E}uropean countries : benchmark data from the late 1990s}, author = {{L}andais, {E}dwige and {M}oskal, {A}. and {M}ullee, {A}. and {N}icolas, {G}. and {G}unter, {M}. {J}. and {H}uybrechts, {I}. and {O}vervad, {K}. and {R}oswall, {N}. and {A}ffret, {A}. and {F}agherazzi, {G}. and {M}ahamat-{S}aleh, {Y}. and {K}atzke, {V}. and {K}uhn, {T}. and {L}a {V}ecchia, {C}. and {T}richopoulou, {A}. and {V}alanou, {E}. and {S}aieva, {C}. and de {M}agistris, {M}. {S}. and {S}ieri, {S}. and {B}raaten, {T}. and {S}keie, {G}. and {W}eiderpass, {E}. and {A}rdanaz, {E}. and {C}hirlaque, {M}. {D}. and {G}arcia, {J}. {R}. and {J}akszyn, {P}. and {R}odriguez-{B}arranco, {M}. and {B}runkwall, {L}. and {H}useinovic, {E}. and {N}ilsson, {L}. and {W}allstrom, {P}. and {B}ueno-de-{M}esquita, {B}. and {P}eeters, {P}. {H}. and {A}une, {D}. and {K}ey, {T}. and {L}entjes, {M}. and {R}iboli, {E}. and {S}limani, {N}. and {F}reisling, {H}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{B}ackground: {C}offee and tea are among the most commonly consumed nonalcoholic beverages worldwide, but methodological differences in assessing intake often hamper comparisons across populations. {W}e aimed to (i) describe coffee and tea intakes and (ii) assess their contribution to intakes of selected nutrients in adults across 10 {E}uropean countries. {M}ethod: {B}etween 1995 and 2000, a standardized 24-h dietary recall was conducted among 36,018 men and women from 27 {E}uropean {P}rospective {I}nvestigation into {C}ancer and {N}utrition ({EPIC}) study centres. {A}djusted arithmetic means of intakes were estimated in grams (=volume) per day by sex and centre. {M}eans of intake across centres were compared by sociodemographic characteristics and lifestyle factors. {R}esults: {I}n women, the mean daily intake of coffee ranged from 94 g/day (similar to 0.6 cups) in {G}reece to 781 g/day (similar to 4.4 cups) in {A}arhus ({D}enmark), and tea from 14 g/day (similar to 0.1 cups) in {N}avarra ({S}pain) to 788 g/day (similar to 4.3 cups) in the {UK} general population. {S}imilar geographical patterns for mean daily intakes of both coffee and tea were observed in men. {C}urrent smokers as compared with those who reported never smoking tended to drink on average up to 500 g/day more coffee and tea combined, but with substantial variation across centres. {O}ther individuals' characteristics such as educational attainment or age were less predictive. {I}n all centres, coffee and tea contributed to less than 10% of the energy intake. {T}he greatest contribution to total sugar intakes was observed in {S}outhern {E}uropean centres (up to similar to 20%). {C}onclusion: {C}offee and tea intake and their contribution to energy and sugar intake differed greatly among {E}uropean adults. {V}ariation in consumption was mostly driven by geographical region.}, keywords = {coffee ; tea ; {E}uropean {P}rospective {I}nvestigation into {C}ancer and {N}utrition ; 24-h dietary recall ; {DANEMARK} ; {FRANCE} ; {ALLEMAGNE} ; {GRECE} ; {ITALIE} ; {PAYS} {BAS} ; {NORVEGE} ; {ESPAGNE} ; {SUEDE} ; {ROYAUME} {UNI} ; {EUROPE}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{N}utrients}, volume = {10}, numero = {6}, pages = {art. 725 [19 p.]}, ISSN = {2072-6643}, year = {2018}, DOI = {10.3390/nu10060725}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010073200}, }