@article{fdi:010073187, title = {{D}evelopment of a dichotomous indicator for population-level assessment of dietary diversity in women of reproductive age}, author = {{M}artin-{P}r{\'e}vel, {Y}ves and {A}rimond, {M}. and {A}llemand, {P}. and {W}iesmann, {D}. and {B}allard, {T}. {J}. and {D}eitchler, {M}. and {D}op, {M}. {C}. and {K}ennedy, {G}. and {L}artey, {A}. and {L}ee, {W}. {T}. {K}. and {M}oursi, {M}. and {W}omen’s {D}ietary {D}iversity {P}roject ({WDDP}) {S}tudy {G}roup}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{B}ackground: {D}ietary diversity is a key element of diet quality, but diets of women of reproductive age ({WRA}; aged 15-49 y) in resource-poor settings are often deficient in a range of micronutrients. {P}revious work showed associations between simple food-group diversity indicators ({FGI}s) and micronutrient adequacy among {WRA}. {F}or operational and advocacy purposes, however, there is strong demand for a dichotomous indicator reflecting an acceptable level of dietary diversity. {O}bjective: {T}he aim of the study was to develop a dichotomous indicator of dietary diversity in {WRA}. {M}ethods: {W}e performed a secondary analysis of 9 data sets containing quantitative dietary data from {WRA} in resource-poor settings (total n = 4166). {F}rom the raw dietary data, we calculated an individual "mean probability of adequacy" ({MPA}) across 11 micronutrients. {S}everal candidate {FGI}s were constructed. {I}ndicator performance in predicting an {MPA}>0.60 was assessed within each data set by using receiver-operating characteristic analysis and sensitivity and specificity analysis at various {FGI} cutoffs. {T}he analysis was performed separately for nonpregnant and nonlactating ({NPNL}) women and for lactating women. {R}esults: {W}e identified 2 "best candidate" dichotomous indicators on the basis of 9- or 10-point food-group scores ({FGI}-9 and {FGI}-10) with a cutoff of >= 5 food groups. {B}oth were significantly correlated to {MPA} in each site ({P}<0.001). {A}reas under the curve were moderate, ranging from 0.62 to 0.82 among {NPNL} women and from 0.56 to 0.90 among lactating women. {C}omparisons of results slightly favored {FGI}-10 for all women. {C}onclusions: {W}hen resource-intensive dietary methods are not feasible, a simple dichotomous indicator based on a cutoff of >= 5 of 10 defined food groups reflects "minimum dietary diversity for women of reproductive age." {A}ccording to the conclusions of a consensus meeting of experts, this indicator is well suited for population-level assessment, advocacy, and possibly also for tracking of change in dietary diversity across time.}, keywords = {women of reproductive age ; dietary diversity ; food groups ; developing countries ; resource-poor settings ; indicator ; diet quality ; nutrition-sensitive interventions ; {OUAGADOUGOU} ; {BURKINA} {FASO} ; {BAMAKO} ; {MALI} ; {MOZAMBIQUE} ; {BANGLADESH} ; {PHILIPPINES} ; {OUGANDA} ; {PAYS} {EN} {DEVELOPPEMENT}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{C}urrent {D}evelopments in {N}utrition}, volume = {1}, numero = {12}, pages = {e001701 [10 p.]}, ISSN = {2475-2991}, year = {2017}, DOI = {10.3945/cdn.117.001701}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010073187}, }