@article{fdi:010073152, title = {{D}iets and feeding practices during the first 1000 days window in the {P}hnom {P}enh and north eastern districts of {C}ambodia}, author = {{S}om, {S}. {V}. and {P}rak, {S}. and {L}aillou, {A}. and {G}authier, {L}udovic and {B}erger, {J}acques and {P}oirot, {E}. and {W}ieringa, {F}ranck}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{A}lthough several health and development indicators have improved significantly in {C}ambodia, inadequate breastfeeding and inappropriate complementary feeding practices leave many children at high risk of malnutrition during the early stages of life. {I}n 2014, the prevalence of wasting and stunting among {C}ambodian children under 5 were 10% and 32%, respectively. {T}hus, a strong focus on improving feeding practices within the first 1000 days window to reduce child malnutrition prevalence in {C}ambodia is needed. {T}his cross-sectional study assessed the current feeding practices among of women of reproductive age, pregnant women, lactating women and children less than 24 months living in six districts from {P}hnom {P}enh and two rural provinces in the {N}orth {E}ast of {C}ambodia. {T}he nutritional status of pregnant women was poor, with 21.4% having a {M}iddle {U}pper arm circumference below 23 cm. {W}hile breastfeeding was predominant within the first 6 months of age in every district, feeding practices of pregnant women and children were a concern, as >70% of the children were not meeting the minimum acceptable diet, and most of the women did not improve their diet during pregnancy. {I}nadequate nutrition during the first 1000 days is highly prevalent in {C}ambodia. {A} comprehensive national {M}other, {I}nfant and {Y}oung {C}hild {N}utrition strategy needs to be developed and operationalized to improve feeding practices of {C}ambodian women and children.}, keywords = {women nutrition ; exclusive breastfeeding ; complementary diet ; policy ; strategy ; early childhood development ; {C}ambodia ; {CAMBOGGE}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{N}utrients}, volume = {10}, numero = {4}, pages = {art. 500 [12 p.]}, ISSN = {2072-6643}, year = {2018}, DOI = {10.3390/nu10040500}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010073152}, }