@article{fdi:010073144, title = {{A}pplying for social programs in {I}ndia : roles of local politics and caste networks in affirmative action}, author = {{G}ille, {V}{\'e}ronique}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{I}ndia has among the most extensive affirmative action programs in the world. {D}epending on the {S}tate, up to 50% of jobs in the public sector are reserved for members of low castes. {H}owever, recruitment is highly discretionary, making it hard for low castes without connections to access reserved jobs and thereby benefit from affirmative action. {T}his paper studies how having a local elected leader from the same caste affects the probability of applying for reserved jobs. {T}he identification strategy focuses on the political reservation system at the village level that determines the caste group of the local elected leader. {T}aking data from three {S}tates in {S}outh {I}ndia, {I} find that households are more likely to apply when the local elected leader is from their caste group. {T}he evidence suggests that the impact is driven by updated beliefs regarding the probability of a successful application.}, keywords = {{I}ndia ; {A}ffirmative action ; {C}aste ; {P}olitical reservations ; {INDE}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{J}ournal of {C}omparative {E}conomics}, volume = {46}, numero = {2}, pages = {436--456}, ISSN = {0147-5967}, year = {2018}, DOI = {10.1016/j.jce.2017.12.001}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010073144}, }