@article{fdi:010073132, title = {{S}hort-term prey field lability constrains individual specialisation in resource selection and foraging site fidelity in a marine predator}, author = {{C}ourbin, {N}. and {B}esnard, {A}. and {P}eron, {C}lara and {S}araux, {C}. and {F}ort, {J}. and {P}erret, {S}. and {T}ornos, {J}. and {G}remillet, {D}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{S}patio-temporally stable prey distributions coupled with individual foraging site fidelity are predicted to favour individual resource specialisation. {C}onversely, predators coping with dynamic prey distributions should diversify their individual diet and/or shift foraging areas to increase net intake. {W}e studied individual specialisation in {S}copoli's shearwaters ({C}alonectris diomedea) from the highly dynamic {W}estern {M}editerranean, using daily prey distributions together with resource selection, site fidelity and trophic-level analyses. {A}s hypothesised, we found dietary diversification, low foraging site fidelity and almost no individual specialisation in resource selection. {C}rucially, shearwaters switched daily foraging tactics, selecting areas with contrasting prey of varying trophic levels. {O}verall, information use and plastic resource selection of individuals with reduced short-term foraging site fidelity allow predators to overcome prey field lability. {O}ur study is an essential step towards a better understanding of individual responses to enhanced environmental stochasticity driven by global changes, and of pathways favouring population persistence.}, keywords = {{B}ehavioural consistency ; {C}alonectris diomedea ; foraging site fidelity ; resource selection ; {S}copoli's shearwater ; temporal resource dynamic ; {W}estern {M}editerranean ; {MEDITERRANEE} {OUEST} ; {MARSEILLE} ; {RIOU} {ILE} ; {FRIOUL} {ILE}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{E}cology {L}etters}, volume = {21}, numero = {7}, pages = {1043--1054}, ISSN = {1461-023{X}}, year = {2018}, DOI = {10.1111/ele.12970}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010073132}, }