@article{fdi:010073102, title = {{C}ontrasted optimal environmental windows for both sardinella species in {S}enegalese waters}, author = {{D}iankha, {O}. and {B}a, {A}. and {B}rehmer, {P}atrice and {B}rochier, {T}imoth{\'e}e and {S}ow, {B}. {A}. and {T}hiaw, {M}. and {G}aye, {A}. {T}. and {N}gom, {F}. and {D}emarcq, {H}erv{\'e}}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{W}e investigate {S}ardinella aurita and {S}ardinella maderensis recruitment success relative to the variability of oceanographic conditions in {S}enegalese waters using generalized additive models ({GAM}). {R}esults show that recruitment of both species is marked by a strong intra-annual (seasonal) variation with minimum and maximum in winter and summer, respectively. {T}heir interannual variations are synchronous until 2006 (recruitment decreasing), while from 2007 there is no synchrony. {T}he model developed shows that sardinella recruitment variability is closely related to the tested environmental variables in the study area. {H}owever, the key environmental variables influencing the recruitment success are different for both species: the {C}oastal {U}pwelling {I}ndex and the sea surface temperature for {S}.aurita and {S}.maderensis, respectively. {W}e report that recruitment success of {S}.aurita and {S}.maderensis are associated with distinct ranges of sea surface temperature, upwelling intensity, wind-induced turbulence, concentration of chlorophyll-a and north {A}tlantic oscillation index. {C}onsidering food security and socio-economic importance of both stocks, we recommend that consideration is given to the environmental variability in the small pelagic fish national management plans, particularly in the context of climate change.}, keywords = {recruitment success ; {S}ardinella aurita ; {S}ardinella maderensis ; upwelling ; {W}est {A}frica ; {SENEGAL} ; {ATLANTIQUE}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{F}isheries {O}ceanography}, volume = {27}, numero = {4}, pages = {351--365}, ISSN = {1054-6006}, year = {2018}, DOI = {10.1111/fog.12257}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010073102}, }