@article{fdi:010073084, title = {{A} {E}uropean aerosol phenomenology-6 : scattering properties of atmospheric aerosol particles from 28 {ACTRIS} sites}, author = {{P}andolfi, {M}. and {A}lados-{A}rboledas, {L}. and {A}lastuey, {A}. and {A}ndrade, {M}. and {A}ngelov, {C}. and {A}rtinano, {B}. and {B}ackman, {J}. and {B}altensperger, {U}. and {B}onasoni, {P}. and {B}ukowiecki, {N}. and {C}oen, {M}. {C}. and {C}onil, {S}. and {C}oz, {E}. and {C}renn, {V}. and {D}udoitis, {V}. and {E}alo, {M}. and {E}leftheriadis, {K}. and {F}avez, {O}. and {F}etfatzis, {P}. and {F}iebig, {M}. and {F}lentje, {H}. and {G}inot, {P}atrick and {G}ysel, {M}. and {H}enzing, {B}. and {H}offer, {A}. and {S}mejkalova, {A}. {H}. and {K}alapov, {I}. and {K}alivitis, {N}. and {K}ouvarakis, {G}. and {K}ristensson, {A}. and {K}ulmala, {M}. and {L}ihavainen, {H}. and {L}under, {C}. and {L}uoma, {K}. and {L}yamani, {H}. and {M}arinoni, {A}. and {M}ihalopoulos, {N}. and {M}oerman, {M}. and {N}icolas, {J}. and {O}'{D}owd, {C}. and {P}etaja, {T}. and {P}etit, {J}. {E}. and {P}ichon, {J}. {M}. and {P}rokopciuk, {N}. and {P}utaud, {J}. {P}. and {R}odriguez, {S}. and {S}ciare, {J}. and {S}ellegri, {K}. and {S}wietlicki, {E}. and {T}itos, {G}. and {T}uch, {T}. and {T}unved, {P}. and {U}levicius, {V}. and {V}aishya, {A}. and {V}ana, {M}. and {V}irkkula, {A}. and {V}ratolis, {S}. and {W}eingartner, {E}. and {W}iedensohler, {A}. and {L}aj, {P}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{T}his paper presents the light-scattering properties of atmospheric aerosol particles measured over the past decade at 28 {ACTRIS} observatories, which are located mainly in {E}urope. {T}he data include particle light scattering (sigma(sp)) and hemispheric backscattering (sigma(bsp)) coefficients, scattering {A}ngstrom exponent ({SAE}), backscatter fraction ({BF}) and asymmetry parameter (g). {A}n increasing gradient of sigma(sp) is observed when moving from remote environments (arctic/mountain) to regional and to urban environments. {A}t a regional level in {E}urope, sigma(sp) also increases when moving from {N}ordic and {B}altic countries and from western {E}urope to central/eastern {E}urope, whereas no clear spatial gradient is observed for other station environments. {T}he {SAE} does not show a clear gradient as a function of the placement of the station. {H}owever, a west-to-east-increasing gradient is observed for both regional and mountain placements, suggesting a lower fraction of fine-mode particle in western/south-western {E}urope compared to central and eastern {E}urope, where the fine-mode particles dominate the scattering. {T}he g does not show any clear gradient by station placement or geographical location reflecting the complex relationship of this parameter with the physical properties of the aerosol particles. {B}oth the station placement and the geographical location are important factors affecting the intraannual variability. {A}t mountain sites, higher sigma(sp) and {SAE} values are measured in the summer due to the enhanced boundary layer influence and/or new particle-formation episodes. {C}onversely, the lower horizontal and vertical dispersion during winter leads to higher sigma(sp) values at all low-altitude sites in central and eastern {E}urope compared to summer. {T}hese sites also show {SAE} maxima in the summer (with corresponding g minima). {A}t all sites, both {SAE} and g show a strong variation with aerosol particle loading. {T}he lowest values of g are always observed together with low sigma(sp) values, indicating a larger contribution from particles in the smaller accumulation mode. {D}uring periods of high sigma(sp) values, the variation of g is less pronounced, whereas the {SAE} increases or decreases, suggesting changes mostly in the coarse aerosol particle mode rather than in the fine mode. {S}tatistically significant decreasing trends of sigma(sp) are observed at 5 out of the 13 stations included in the trend analyses. {T}he total reductions of sigma(sp) are consistent with those reported for {PM}2.5 and {PM}10 mass concentrations over similar periods across {E}urope.}, keywords = {{EUROPE}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{A}tmospheric {C}hemistry and {P}hysics}, volume = {18}, numero = {11}, pages = {7877--7911}, ISSN = {1680-7316}, year = {2018}, DOI = {10.5194/acp-18-7877-2018}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010073084}, }