@article{fdi:010073066, title = {{C}hronology and sources of trace elements accumulation in the {R}hone pro-delta sediments ({N}orthwestern {M}editerranean) during the last 400 years}, author = {{C}ossa, {D}. and {F}anget, {A}. {S}. and {C}hiffoleau, {J}. {F}. and {B}assetti, {M}. {A}. and {B}uscail, {R}. and {D}ennielou, {B}. and {B}riggs, {K}. and {A}rnaud, {M}. and {G}u{\'e}dron, {S}t{\'e}phane and {B}erne, {S}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{T}he {R}hone pro-delta sediments receive the particulate inputs from the {R}hone {R}iver, the largest freshwater discharge of the {W}estern {M}editerranean {S}ea. {T}race element ({TE}s: {A}g, {C}d, {C}o, {C}r, {C}u, {N}i, {P}b, and {Z}n) concentrations and stable {P}b isotope ratios were determined along a 7.7-m-long sediment core collected from the {R}hone prodeltaic lobe, archiving the deposits of the last 400 years. {T}race element mean concentrations during the pre-industrialized era (before 1850 {CE}) were no different from the average composition of {E}arth's upper crust, except for {C}r. {P}rincipal component analysis, performed on {TE}s and tracers, suggests three origins for {TE}s that we identified as (i) marine biogenic material ({A}g, {C}d), (ii) ultramafic rocks ({L}i, {C}r, {N}i), and (iii) other clay minerals ({C}o, {C}u, {P}b and {Z}n). {D}uring the pre-industrial period, several changes in the {TE}/{AI} ratios coincided with flood events or/and modifications in the channelization of the {R}hone {R}iver mouth. {S}ome frequencies in the {TE}s temporal variations allow us to hypothesize some influence of climate variation. {S}ediments deposited after 1850 {CE} exhibited concentrations of certain {TE}s exceeding 1.3-3.5 times the concentrations of the pre-industrial era ({A}g > {C}d-{P}b > {C}u-{Z}n). {P}rincipal component analysis, performed on post-1850 {CE} data, allows to distinguish pristine and "anthropogenically impacted" {TE}s. {P}ristine {TE}s, such as {C}o, {C}r, and {N}i, are linked with clay markers ({A}l, {L}i and {F}e), {C}o and {N}i are associated with {M}n-enrichment, whereas {C}r is correlated with {F}e. "{A}nthropogenically impacted" elements consist of {A}g, {C}d, {C}u, {P}b, and {Z}n. {V}ertical profiles show that {TE} contamination has increased dramatically after the {II}nd {W}orld {W}ar and reached a maximum between 1970 and 1980, consistently with anthropogenic atmospheric emissions changes. {S}ediment deposited on the {R}hone prodelta at the beginning of {XVII}th {C}entury have {P}b-206/207 ratios close to values of natural {P}b (1.200), whereas sediments deposited after 1850 {CE} are clearly contaminated by {E}uropean gasoline and industrial {P}b pools (<1.180). {I}n addition, peak-events can be related to flooding periods, natural and man-induced channelization of the {R}hone {R}iver mouth, or diagenetic processes.}, keywords = {{MEDITERRANEE} ; {FRANCE} ; {RHONE} {DELTA}}, booktitle = {{S}pecial issue of {MERMEX} project : recent advances in the oceanography of the {M}editerranean {S}ea}, journal = {{P}rogress in {O}ceanography}, volume = {163}, numero = {{S}pecial issue}, pages = {161--171}, ISSN = {0079-6611}, year = {2018}, DOI = {10.1016/j.pocean.2017.01.008}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010073066}, }